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Lana Condor Marries Longtime Love Anthony De La Torre, Wedding Details Revealed!


Lana Condor and Anthony De La Torre are officially married!

The 27-year-old To All the Boys actress and the 30-year-old musician tied the knot at the end of October at a special place in Malibu, Calif., according to Vogue Weddings.

Lana and Anthony first met in 2015 and got engaged in 2021.

Keep reading to find out more about the wedding…

The couple tied the knot at the Serra Franciscan Retreat Center in Malibu, Calif., which is a special place to her as it holds a connection to her late mother.

“My mother had wanted to spend some special one-on-one time together, and had heard about Serra Retreat and the amazing work they do there,” Lana recalled to Vogue.

“My mother Mary recently passed away, leaving my entire family devastated,” she shared. “But she would not have wanted us to not celebrate our love. We really wanted to get married at the Serra Retreat because being there was such a core memory that I had with my mom, and I felt like we would be able to feel her presence on our wedding night.”

Anthony also had his own experience at the retreat.

“He was going through a very difficult time, and he went to the chapel at Serra Retreat to find solace and answers,” Lana dished. “He had a very personal revelation while being in the chapel, and it truly changed the course of his life. Needless to say, the Serra Retreat means a great deal to our family, and we were thrilled we got to marry at the center.”

Lana wore a Vera Wang dress for the wedding, which she first tried on two years ago, with her mom present.

“A little over two years ago, I took my mom and bridesmaids to Vera Wang to go dress-shopping. My mom and I absolutely fell in love with my wedding gown the moment I tried it on, and I am so grateful I got to share that experience with her. That was the only time she was able to see me in my dress, and I will hold that memory in my heart forever,” she said. “We both instantly knew it was the one. It was timeless and classic, while still youthful and playful. My biggest hope—which I feel like I achieved—was to feel like myself in the dress, and I have never felt more beautiful than I did when I wore my wedding dress. I am forever grateful.”

Anthony wore two custom Brooks Brothers suits on their wedding day.

“We wanted it to feel timeless and airy, whimsical and natural,” Lana shared of their ceremony. “We wanted to lean into the Spanish feel of the venue and play with color in a way that felt appropriate for a fall wedding, while maintaining the classic, romantic vibes that are typically found at a wedding, and also making it feel like it could be any season.”

“Being up there in front of all their friends and family, making the ultimate life vow, is a moment we will cherish forever,” she gushed. “It was such an emotional and joyous occasion. The feeling I could best use to describe it was peaceful and deeply present.”

Among the attendees were Lana‘s To All the Boys co-stars Madeleine Arthur, who was in the bridal party, Janel Parrish and Sarayu Blue, as well as Liza Koshy.

The day after their wedding, they got matching tattoos, getting their wedding date tatted on their arms, which was each of their first tattoo!

“The entire weekend could not have gone better,” Lana said of their wedding weekend. “We are so filled with love and gratitude for each other and also for all of our incredible guests who came from far and wide to join us in the celebrations. This weekend will forever go down as the happiest weekend of our lives.”

Congratulations to the happy couple on the big day!

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