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Black mould started growing on my bedroom walls but a £1.50 Sainsbury’s buy got rid of it – now I can sleep easy


WITH the arrival of colder days, many homeowners may start to notice increased dampness in their homes, leading to the growth of mould. 

Preventing this mould growth requires diligent management of indoor humidity levels and regular cleaning of areas prone to dampness. 

A homeowner was suffering with mould growing in her bedroom ceiling[/caption]

However, maintaining these conditions can be challenging, especially since most people are reluctant to open their windows during the winter months.

One woman, familiar with this struggle, turned to the online forum Reddit to seek advice from others who have experienced similar issues. 

Desperately in need of solutions, she hoped to find practical tips and support from the community.

The anonymous writer said: “I’m so stressed out right now trying to keep my room warm and stop the moisture from getting too high. 

“I cannot concentrate on anything I’m doing. 

“If anyone has any tips for me I’ll be incredibly grateful.”

The post gained lots of attention, with many people suggesting that she should get a dehumidifier to ensure ventilation in her home.

But with those ranging between £30 until to £200 depending on the type that is purchased, many may find this out of their price range. 

However, one Reddit user suggested a £1.50 hack that they believe will help to banish her mould problems. 

They wrote: “For black mould spots on the ceiling, I use any mould and mildew spray, Dettol and astonish are both good but have recently gotten a Sainsbury own brand and it’s worked great too. 

“I spray it onto the mould areas and it clears it up straight away.

“Be careful if you have coloured walls as it will ruin the paint work.

“Will also ruin clothes if it goes on fabric. Could spray onto some kitchen towel and then dab it on.”

Another suggested: “I’ve just bought a dehumidifier and plugged it in, although I got it from Amazon. 

Cat Litter in a bowl on the window will absorb a lot damp


“I’ve also recycled the box by pulling it apart until I had two long pieces, wrapped them in tin foil, and stuck them to the wall behind the radiator to help keep the heat in rather than letting it all go through the wall.

“I’ve also stuck cling film around the section of the window that doesn’t open to give it an extra layer.

“Feels warmer, but I feel like I’ve turned my home into leftovers. I don’t care though.”

A third said: “Cat Litter in a bowl on the window will absorb a lot damp.”

If using cat litter, precautions should be taken.

Keep cat litter out of reach of children and other pets.

Pregnant women should avoid changing cat litter if possible. If you must change the litter, wear a mask and rubber gloves, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

What is mould and how to get rid of it?

Mould is more likely to grow during the winter months.

Olivia Young, Product Development Scientist at Astonish revealed exactly why this is.

“Unfortunately, mould is a common problem many people face during winter. It thrives in conditions that are warm and damp, so your bathrooms are likely to be the most affected place.

“That said, during the colder months most rooms in your home could be vulnerable to mould growing.

“This occurs primarily from condensation that builds up on your windows when you’ve got your radiators on.

“If you think about it, when windows and doors are closed, there’s not much chance for the air to circulate and the moisture to make a swift exit.

“This build up is what can cause dreaded mould to make an appearance, especially in bathrooms, as it creates that warm and wet environment that is a breeding ground for mould.

“If left untreated, not only is it unsightly but it can also pose a serious risk to your health, so it’s really important you treat it.

“The key to tackle mould is to act fast.

“Try to come into as little contact with it as you can. So, grab your gloves, tie up your hair and get to work to remove any signs of mould as soon as you notice them.

“To keep mould at bay, there are some simple solutions you can introduce throughout home.

“The first is keep it ventilated. Yes, even in the cold winter months try to leave your bathroom window open for at least 10/15 minutes post shower or bath. This will get rid of any excess moisture quickly preventing mould gathering.

“If you’re having a repeat problem with mould in one particular area, it might be because the humidity levels are too high. You can get a dehumidifier that will help keep the levels low and reduce the risk of mould returning.

“The golden rule to remember when dealing with mould is the quicker you can treat it, the better. If you leave it, it will only get worse so never ignore it!

“To successfully get rid of mould every time, I recommend opting for the UK’s No 1 Mould & Mildew Remover, that effectively removes mould and mildew stains almost instantly, with no scrubbing necessary.”

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