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The TRUTH behind Meghan & Harry’s Portugal house – it’s a sign they’ve realised they need new plan


PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle’s Portugal pad purchase is a sign they’ve realised they need a new plan, claims a royal expert.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have snapped up a luxurious property in Alentejo, Portugal – with speculation it could be a new base for the pair and their two kids.

Harry and Meghan Markle attend the UK Team Trials for the Invictus Games in Sydney 2018[/caption]
The Mega Agency
The Sussexes have bought a new pad in Portugal and are not planning on living in it themselves[/caption]

But sources claim the truth behind the buy isn’t so they have somewhere in Europe to call home.

Royal reporter Bronte Coy told The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show that it’s more of an investment for Harry and Meghan to ensure they “keep their millions”.

She said: “It speaks to the fact that it has been probably not the post royal career that they had thought financially.

“Their Spotify deal ended last year and their Netflix deal is coming to an end and they haven’t produced as much as they thought they were going to.

“They do have to have another plan.

“I mean at the end of the day there has been so much speculation and conversation over the last couple of years, after they had done the Harry and Meghan series and talked about the royals a lot.

“[When] that felt like it was kind of done… What next?

“I think it probably is a great investment so it makes sense that they’ve probably had the thought – ‘What next? What else can we do?’.

“It seems like a solid investment and it seems like they are turning their attention to other avenues of earning money.”

The purchase comes as Harry continues to make solo UK appearances – with Meghan refusing to step foot in the country.

But now it gives her the option to fly and stay just two-and-a-half-hours away from London if Harry has an event anywhere in the continent.

Meghan has reluctantly returned to the UK just twice since the Sussexes stepped down as working royals in 2020.

Both of the visits were in 2022, with the first being the late Queen’s Jubilee and then her funeral.

Prince Harry’s trips have been more frequent, with him doing four visits this year.

Prince Harry and Meghan have begun investing their Netflix millions in a property portfolio[/caption]

In September the Duke of Sussex, 40, made a solo trip to attend the WellChild Awards where he met seriously ill youngsters and their families.

The couple – who live with their two kids in California – are said to have splashed out on the home in Portugal after being asked to vacate their former UK home Frogmore Cottage by King Charles two years ago.

It is said to be close to Harry’s cousin Princess Eugenie, Jack, August, two, and Ernest, five months, who are said to be splitting their time between living at the CostaTerra Golf and Ocean Club and their life back in the UK.

The reason for the move is Jack’s job, as he is doing marketing, sales and promotion for property entrepreneur Mike Meldman, who is managing the 300-home development there.

The purchase may allow the Sussexes to acquire a “Golden Visa”, where they would have access to the EU’s Schengen area, reports the Daily Mail.

It will give them a base to stop off at whenever they make transatlantic flights to see friends and family, or make appearances at events.

It comes after it was reported Harry and Meghan have begun investing their Netflix millions in a property portfolio.

They pocketed £75million from streaming giant Netflix where they laid into fellow royals in a six-part series.

Meanwhile Harry, who got a £15million advance for his autobiography Spare, also inherited £8million from the late Queen Mother after turning 40 in September.

Palace insiders have been concerned about what will happen when the Sussexes run out of cash.

They have huge overheads, forking out a fortune on security in the US and for when Harry visits the UK.

And they are still paying a mortgage on the £11million Montecito mansion they bought after quitting as working royals in 2020.

Insiders say the Portugal home will be part of a financial portfolio which will include more real estate.

But the couple still do not own a home in the UK following their eviction from Frogmore Cottage last year.

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