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Victim of horror Orlando Halloween mass shooting identified as teen soccer star after ’17-year-old killed 2 & injured 8′


THE victim of a horror Orlando Halloween mass shooting has been identified as a teen soccer star.

Horrifying footage caught the moment a 17-year-old allegedly opened fire on a crowd early on Friday morning, killing two and leaving eight others injured.

The alleged gunman was identified as Jaylen Dwayne Edgar, 17
Orlando PD

As many as 100,000 people were out in the city celebrating Halloween at the time with hundreds cramming streets around bars.

Now one of the revellers killed has been named as Timothy Schmidt Jr., a talented soccer player.

His heartbroken father, Timothy Schmidt Sr., told The New York Post Saturday that his 19-year-old son was “one of a kind”.

He said: “One month before I dropped him off for his summer session at UCF he was the best man in my wedding and gave the best speech ever.

“He brought everyone to tears. He was my mini me and my best friend. We had such a special bond.

“He didn’t have a bad bone in his body. He was the kindest soul, always trying to help his friends and elevate his friends.”

Schmidt was a student at the University of Central Florida and was a Weston FC soccer player.

In a statement, the school said: “An unwarranted act of violence injured several of our UCF family and took the lives of two individuals, including a UCF student and a member of our Orlando community.”

Schmidt and another man, 25, were pronounced dead at Orlando Regional Medical Center following the shooting.

The alleged gunman was identified as Jaylen Dwayne Edgar, a 17-year-old with previous arrests.

Police Chief Eric Smith said during a press conference: “He pretty much walked into downtown, walked into the street, and did what he did.”

Smith said they do not yet know the alleged shooter’s motive but believe he is the only suspect.

Cops nearby quickly tackled Edgar and arrested him following the shooting.

The Orlando Police Department posted video of Edgar being arrested and put into a cop car in handcuffs.

CCTV caught the alleged gunman moments after the shooting
Footage caught the alleged gunman fire shots

Edgar was charged with two counts of first-degree murder with a firearm and six counts of attempted first-degree murder with a firearm.

Footage taken by FOX 35 captured a large police presence along Orange Avenue and Central Avenue near Wall Street Plaza.

At one point, crowds can be seen walking all over Orange Avenue.

Moments later, the crowd began to run at speed in a panic.

Bodycam footage from officers showed cops yelling at the suspect before taking him into custody.

A cop shouted: “Get on the ground!” with the suspect answering, “It’s not me.”

Orlando shooting victims

  • Victim 1: Male, 25, deceased
  • Victim 2: Tim Schmidt Jr, 19
  • Victim 3: Male, 18, shot in the lower left leg
  • Victim 4: Female, 39, shot in the left hand
  • Victim 5: Female, 24, shot in the left leg
  • Victim 6: Male, 20, shot in the head (graze)
  • Victim 7: Male, 26, shot in the right foot
  • Victim 8: Female, 19, shot in the upper back, lodged in cheek
  • Victim 9: Female, 26, injuries from being trampled
A police cordon was seen in the area where gunshots were fired[/caption]

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