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Surging Cardinals beat the Bears 29-9 for 3rd straight victory


GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) — Emari Demercado ran 53 yards for a touchdown just before halftime, James Conner added 107 yards on the ground and the surging Arizona Cardinals put together a dominant 29-9 victory over the Chicago Bears on Sunday.

The Cardinals (5-4) have won three in a row for the first time in three seasons.

It’s another tough loss for the Bears (4-4), who have dropped two straight. They lost to the Commanders 18-15 last week on a Hail Mary and were burned once again as the clock was winding down against the Cardinals, though this lapse came in the final seconds of the first half.

Chicago rookie quarterback Caleb Williams was sacked six times, completing 22 of 41 passes for 216 yards. The Bears had just 241 yards total.

Arizona took a 21-9 halftime lead after Demercado got loose for a game-changing 53-yard touchdown run with four seconds remaining. The Cardinals started the drive with 26 seconds remaining following Chicago’s field goal.

Kyler Murray completed a few short passes before Demercado darted through the middle of the defense and then sprinted down the right sideline for the touchdown, turning a tight game into a much more comfortable advantage.

It was one of two backbreaking mistakes for Chicago’s defense late in the second quarter. The Cardinals were leading just 7-6 with 3:40 remaining in the half and looked as if they were going to have to settle for a field goal, but Chicago’s Gervon Dexter Sr. was flagged for trying to use a defender as leverage to leap into the air and block the kick.

That gave Arizona a fresh set of downs and the Cardinals cashed in with Trey Benson’s 1-yard touchdown run just three plays later.

The Cardinals controlled the second half, extending the lead to 27-9 on Chad Ryland’s two field goals, one from 55 yards. Arizona linebacker Zaven Collins had two of the team’s six sacks.

Murray completed 13 of 20 passes for 154 yards.

Arizona took a 7-0 lead late in the first quarter when tight end Trey McBride took a handoff for a 2-yard touchdown run. Chicago’s Cairo Santos made three field goals in the first half, two from 53 yards.

Bears cornerback Tyrique Stevenson was not in the starting lineup following his mental lapse last week, though he did eventually play much of the game.

Stevenson apologized after having his back turned and motioning to the crowd with 2 seconds left when the Commanders snapped the ball on a Hail Mary that gave them an 18-15 win last Sunday.


Bears: DL Montez Sweat (shin) and DB Kyler Gordon (hamstring) were among the team’s seven inactives. … CB Terrel Smith (ankle) left the game in the first half and didn’t return. … DL Andrew Billings (chest) left in the second half and didn’t return.

Cardinals: CB Sean Murphy-Bunting (neck) and DL Darius Robinson (calf) were among the team’s six inactives.

Up Next

Bears: Host New England on Sunday.

Cardinals: Host the New York Jets on Sunday.


AP NFL: https://apnews.com/hub/nfl


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