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Millions of Ring doorbell owners can now greet visitors with the voice of Ant and Dec in latest free feature upgrade


A NEW Ring doorbell feature lets comedy duo Ant and Dec answer the door for you – and it’s sure to give your next visitors a bit of a surprise.

The TV hosts have added their voice to Ring’s Quick Replies feature, which the company describes as an “answering machine” but for your door.

Ant and Dec have voiced six pre-recorded responses for your guests to hear when they ring your doorbell, but you’re not home[/caption]

The Amazon-owned doorbell has already enlisted other celebrities for its Quick Replies feature, such as Hollywood star Michael B. Jordan.

Ant and Dec have voiced six pre-recorded responses for your guests to hear when they ring your doorbell, but you’re not home.

But the doorbell doesn’t necessarily have to be pressed, the feature can also be triggered by motion tracking.

What are Quick Replies?

Unfamiliar with the feature?

Well, in short, Quick Replies lets your Ring device play pre-set responses and take messages from visitors when you’re too busy to answer.

It’s a great time-saving setting, essential for people who work away from home and don’t want to be pestered to leave a message.

The feature can be set up at any time in the Ring app.

Once the feature is activated, and someone rings your doorbell, the visitor will hear a pre-set message.

Quick Replies messages will show up on your timeline as individual events.

The visitor then has the option to leave a message.

One Quick Replies recording has the pair continue the long-running jokes about Dec’s height.

“Hi Ant and Dec here! Fortunately, Dec’s so small he can fit inside the doorbell,” says Ant.

“Yes, I’m here! Thanks for stopping by. Someone will be right out,” Dec replies.

Another voiceover goes like this. “Hi, we’re your hosts Ant and Dec! And joining us today is our brand new contestant: you!,” says Ant.

Dec continues: “To win the star prize of someone opening this door, all you need to do is shout: “I’ve got a very large package.” In three, two, one, go!”

The feature is free to set up, with no subscription required.

However, it should be noted that only Ring Protect subscribers will be able to listen to recordings of Quick Replies interactions in their event history

How to set up Quick Replies

To set it up, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the Ring app.
  2. Tap the three lines on the top left.
  3. Tap Devices.
  4. Select the doorbell that you want to set up.
  5. Tap the Smart Responses tile below the doorbell image.
  6. Tap the Quick Replies switch so it’s in the blue “on” position.
  7. Tap Quick Reply Message.
    • Scroll down on the list and select a year round message or seasonal greeting. You’ll hear a recording of what the message sounds like.
  8. Set your message delay time from Right away to 20 seconds.
  9. Tap Save to complete the setup.
One Quick Replies recording has the pair continue the long-running jokes about Dec’s height[/caption]

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