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Walmart Is Selling an $800 Cable Machine for Only $239, and Shoppers Say It's 'Extremely Well-Built'


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Building out a home gym has a reputation for being an expensive endeavor, but that's not the case if you check Walmart first. The retail giant's deals on fitness equipment are some of the best online, with incredible savings on everything from Smith machines to treadmills and even Olympic weight sets. Walmart also has a great deal on a compact cable machine that's perfect for tight spaces, and it's over $550 off right now.

The Mikolo Cable Crossover Machine is now on sale at Walmart for only $239—a colossal 70% discount on the normal price of $800. This compact but robust cable machine has earned over 60 five-star ratings from shoppers who say it's an "ideal space-saving solution" for those looking to build out their home gyms with limited floor space and that it's "extremely well-built." And, though it's a large piece of fitness equipment, Walmart will still ship it for free. This package doesn't include weights, but Walmart has a fantastic 160-pound set on sale for $160 that should fit nicely on this machine.

Mikolo Cable Crossover Machine, $239 (was $800) at Walmart

Courtesy of Walmart

This multi-functional trainer from Mikolo is made from commercial-grade steel, boasts a 400-pound weight capacity, and includes attachments like a triceps rope, two cable handles, a cable bar, and a lat pull-down bar. It features a dual pulley system and can adjust to 18 angles, allowing you to work on your chest, shoulders, lats, biceps, and triceps, among other muscle groups. It was designed with a large, stable base, but it also has an attachment that lets you affix it to a wall stud for more fool-proof stability and safety.

Shoppers who have integrated this machine into their home gyms say it's become a cornerstone of their workouts. "The machine is high-quality and well-engineered," a shopper said. "Performs very well from seated rowing to lat pull-down and between…All the parts were there and the instructions were good, so it went together easily."

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Others say they've been pleasantly shocked by the quality of the machine after using it. "I needed something in my home gym to cover two muscle groups for which I had no coverage," a shopper began. "This covered those and many more. I was a little leery of this and didn't expect great quality—I was very wrong. It is especially well-built for its price. The movement is very smooth and it is easy to set the height. It uses my 2-inch weight plates via included adapters but will work with 1-inch plates [as well]."

If you're one of the many people looking to bring your workout indoors for the season or you're simply looking to round out your home gym, this cable machine from Mikolo is one of the best value investments you could make while it's on sale for under $250. Make sure to pick one up soon, though, because the price could shoot back up at any time.

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