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‘It’s pretty exhausting’ admits Antiques Roadshow’s Theo Burrell as she gives terminal cancer update ahead of new scan


ANTIQUES Roadshow star Theo Burrell has issued an emotional terminal cancer update ahead of a new scan.

At 35 years old, Theo was diagnosed with a grade four glioblastoma, a type of brain tumour, back in June 2022.

Theo is a much-loved presence on BBC’s Antiques Roadshow[/caption]
She was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour in June 2022, at the age of 35[/caption]
Andrew Barr
Theo with her partner Alex[/caption]

Taking to Instagram, Theo penned a poignant post as she awaits an upcoming scan in December.

She wrote: “Yesterday The Sunday Times included an article by @edhalford_10 about my health and how I’m feeling about things.

“It continues to be a bit of a difficult time as I wait to find out what my scan in December shows.

“My paranoia about every ache and pain being cancer progression is pretty exhausting, but it’s a reality of living with brain cancer – as many of you will already know and experience.”

She continued: “However, in the spirit of positivity, since my last medical appointments I’ve celebrated Jonah’s birthday, held a whisky fundraiser, been to a wedding, and attended three birthday parties.

“Not to mention all the washing I’ve hung up, dishwashers I’ve emptied and dinners I’ve cooked which truth be told, are all important to me – because they’re the ‘normal’ things that I’m grateful I’m still able to do.

“There’s nothing like incurable cancer to make you really appreciate every aspect of life!”

One follower wrote in Theo’s comments section: “I have been thinking about you Theo and how positive you remain, everyone is unique in their own journey, sending you big hugs and prayers for positive news – we are waiting too.”

Another penned: “This is one of the most beautiful and candid pieces of writing. I hope it raises awareness, but mostly I just love you lots x.”

A third commented: “Theo, once again you teach me the importance of of love , consideration and bravery.

“My heart swells when l learn about your activities, your love of family and friends.

“I wish you nothing but kindness and love.”

Following Theo’s initial diagnosis, she opted to have surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

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Medics told her that without treatment she would only have three months to live.

Earlier this year, Theo revealed she was to undergo further treatment after scans showed her cancer is regrowing.

The 38-year-old said: “It’s with some heartbreak that I can confirm my glioblastoma has started regrowing.

“Although this was always an inevitability it has been a difficult couple of weeks for me and my family, as we deal with the news and await a treatment plan.

“I am extremely grateful for having had such a good quality of life over the last two years, and I intend to take on the next step of my journey with everything I’ve got.”

Andrew Barr
Theo is a much-loved presence on BBC’s Antiques Roadshow[/caption]

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