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Man Utd delay stadium decision until next year as Ratcliffe targets £2bn Wembley of the North to replace Old Trafford


MANCHESTER UNITED have delayed their final decision on the stadium project until next year.

The Red Devils were expected to make a decision before the end of 2024.

Manchester United could move into a new 100,000-capacity stadium[/caption]
A decision has been delayed by the club

It was believed that the three-year development project could start as early as the summer of 2025.

However, the planned delivery of a 100,000-capacity ground is set to be pushed back.

The redevelopment of Old Trafford and the surrounding area would be boosted with the acquisition of additional land.

But there has been no final decision on the redevelopment of Old Trafford.

Both options of either redeveloping the existing stadium or building a new ground are still available.

It is said that a survey of 50,000 Manchester United fans found that 52 per cent were open to a new-build stadium.

However, 31 per cent of fans would prefer Old Trafford to be redeveloped, while the remaining 17 per cent are not sure.

Sir Jim Ratcliffe and co-owner Joel Glazer have been urged to be as “bold and brave as possible in their thinking”.


The demand has come from the Old Trafford Regeneration Task Force led by Lord Sebastian Coe.

Therefore, the club are now exploring what is possible in the area available to the club.

What we know about the 'new' Old Trafford

MANCHESTER UNITED plan to build a new stadium rather than redevelop Old Trafford.

The decision was made after a number of fact-finding missions to other stadiums including the Bernabeu and Nou Camp.

The cost of the project is expected to be a staggering £2billion.

A capacity of 100,000 is expected.

It is felt that a club of United’s standing should have a new state-of-the-art facility.

The new stadium will be built on land adjacent to the Red Devils’ current home.

United are looking to not only build a stadium but regenerate the area of Trafford where the ground will stand.

There had been plans to KEEP Old Trafford rather than demolish it, and use it as a scaled down second venue.

However, it’s looking increasing likely that it will in fact be entirely demolished.

The club consulted with 30,000 fans about what to do and believe there is roughly a 50-50 split on staying or moving.

The club have appointed the architects Foster + Partners to come up with a “masterplan”. The company were behind Wembley Stadium.

Old Trafford has been United’s home since 1910.

The target is for completion by 2030.

This means that the final plans are not expected to be decided until next spring at the earliest.

The city’s civic leaders have more clarity over the finances in Greater Manchester after the budget was announced last week.

The club will fund any new stadium project themselves but public money could be made available for related transport and infrastructure costs.

Computer-generated images have been released showing what the new ground could look like.

“New Trafford” could be circular in shape with a huge roof, a bird’s eye view of the proposed site shows.

Another snap reveals a massive Man Utd badge on the side of the ground as red lights brighten a path full of fans walking to the turnstiles.

The potential costs of replacing Old Trafford could rise up to at least £2billion.

The plans could cost the club up to to £2billion[/caption]
The plans would regenerate the area around the ground[/caption]

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