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Republicans win control of US Senate after Ted Cruz saw off Colin Allred challenge and Jim Justice flipped West Virginia


REPUBLICANS have fought back and flipped control of the Senate after stunning victories in Texas, West Virginia, and Ohio.

The control of 34 Senate seats was up for grabs this election, as Democrats faced an uphill battle to keep their slim advantage in the upper chamber.

Control of 34 Senate seats was up for grabs this election
Getty Images - Getty

Every four years, Republicans and Democrats battle it out for control of all three levels of power – the House, Senate, and presidency.

Presidential nominees Kamala Harris or Donald Trump must present their cases to Congress to fulfill their campaign promises.

But as the dust settles in the Senate race, should Harris be elected to the presidency, she will face a challenge converting her proposals into law with Republicans in control of the upper chamber now.

The GOP won control of the Senate after Senator Deb Fischer was re-elected in Nebraska.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz was also re-elected, beating out his Democratic rival Colin Allred.

It comes as…

Plus, Jim Justice flipped the West Virginia Senate seat for Republicans.

With at least 51 Senate seats secured, Republicans are taking back control of the chamber.

The GOP was in a prime position to retake the Senate this election.

Despite 34 Senate seats being up for election, just nine races were being monitored closely as potential power shifters.

Democrats occupied seven of the nine seats, but four of the races were considered toss-ups in the days before November 5.

To maintain an even partisan split in the Senate, the Democrats would have needed to win seven of the races.

However, Republicans remain locked in a tight race for control of the House of Representatives.

Taking the House means Republicans could gain full control of Congress.

Meanwhile, the campaign for the Senate Republican leader has also kicked off for who will replace Mitch McConnell.

Texas Senator John Cornyn shared a statement early on Wednesday morning campaigning for the position.

“As I’ve said, this election is not about us but rather what is best for the conference and the nation,” Cornyn said.

“I look forward to working with President Trump and our new conservative majority to make America great again by making the Senate work again.”

The range of Republicans’ control over Washington will depend on the results of the presidential and House races.

Texas Senator speaks at a watch party in Houston on Election Night[/caption]
West Virginia Governor Jim Justice speaks at the RNC on July 16, 2024, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin[/caption]

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