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People are only just realising the reason Imperial Leather soap bars have a sticker on – & it’s got a VERY practical use


A BAR of soap is a must-have in bathrooms – but have you ever thought about why some brands have a tiny sticker on?

If you prefer using Imperial Leather soap, you’ve probably noticed the bars all feature a distinctive red and gold sticker, which stays pretty intact until almost the very end of the bar itself.

If you use Imperial Leather products, you’ve probably noticed the iconic red sticker on the soap bars[/caption]
According to the brand, there’s a reason the bars all feature a gold sticker[/caption]

However, what you may not be aware of is that there is an actual purpose for the sticker rather than just for decoration and brand identity – and it’s pretty practical too.

A discussion about the label was sparked on X – formerly known as Twitter – with one user declaring: “If the relationship isn’t as strong as that sticker on Imperial Leather soap, I don’t want it.”

Another individual wondered: “How does the sticker stay on Imperial Leather bars of soap right to the end?”

Someone else then chimed in and explained: “I believe you’re supposed to have it in your soap dish/on the sink with the label side down.

”Stops soap getting a ‘soggy bottom’.”

This has since been confirmed by the brand itself after they made a statement to the Mail Online where Imperial Leather clarified that the ”sticker on the top is for a long-lasting bar and preventing mushiness”.

A spokesperson told the publication: “When the soap is used, the sticker will make and keep the top surface, where the sticker is on, concave.

”After use, the soap is supposed to be upside down.

”The concave surface will help water run out from the bar and minimise the touching surface on a soap tray.” 

Want to see it for yourself? Shoppers can pick up a pack of four Imperial Leather soap bars for a mere £2 from the discount store Poundland.

Speaking of more facts people have only just discovered, turns out we’ve been pronouncing Shein all wrong – and it’s blowing everyone’s minds.

The China-based brand is the biggest fast fashion retailer in the world, adding thousands of new items to its ever-growing site every week – but many fans are unsure of the correct way to pronounce it.

Many fashionistas call the brand “sheen” but according to one TikToker, it’s not the right way.

Style lover Kinly (@kinlymac) explained that the brand is actually pronounced She-In, as it was originally called SheInside.

More things people are only just realising...

“Stop saying Sheen, it’s pronounced She-In, short for SheInside”, she said.

The fashion fan then used Google to prove the original name of the brand, and how it is supposed to be pronounced.

“Look, see the capital I”, she said, pointing at a webpage that confirmed that the brand was called SheInside until 2015.

“In is pronounced ‘in’ not ‘een'”, Kinley said.

However, it is worth noting that on the brand’s website, the name is generally spelt in all caps, making the pronunciation less obvious.

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