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Watch GMB descend into chaos with Susanna Reid forced to apologise when guest SWEARS – after huge row over Donald Trump


GOOD Morning Britain descended into chaos today when a guest swore twice live on air – after Susanna Reid got into a heated row with a Hollywood star.

ITV’s flagship morning show was discussing the results of the US presidential election when the slip up occurred, forcing Susanna Reid to apologise immediately.

Susanna Reid and Ed Balls were presenting Good Morning Britain
Guest Joe Walsh swore twice when discussing former president Donald Trump
Joe was surprised when Susanna caught him out for the foul language
Actor Rob Schneider got into a heated row with the co-hosts just before the swearing incident[/caption]

Guest Joe Walsh, who stood as a 2020 Republican Party presidential candidate, swore as he described the state of the US following Donald Trump’s declaration of victory.

He said: “The American people were p****d off, they’re angry, and that’s why they re-elected this guy.

“He’s an utterly horrible human being, but the American people overlooked all of that.”

He added: “Donald Trump lies every time he opens his mouth; he tried to overthrow an American election, I could go on.

“But the American people overlooked all of that because they were p****d off about some basic issues.”

Host Susanna Reid quickly responded to the swearing.

She said: “I’m not entirely sure we can use that phrase at 5 to 8 in the morning.”

“I know you think it’s overnight.”

As Joe began to realise his mistake in using the phrase, co-host Ed Balls quipped: “It’s the American term rather than the British term.”

It followed a heated debate between the hosts and actor Rob Schneider, who supported the Trump campaign.

A huge row erupted after the guest began to make claims about a previous guest on the show, journalist Mehdi Hasan.

After he heavily criticised the broadcaster, Susanna was forced to interrupt the veteran actor.

She tried to urge the star to not turn his interview into a “personal attack”.

However, tensions continued to get frostier as the former Saturday Night Live star then turned on the hosts.

The actor accused the pair of claiming former president Trump was “racist” and “misogynistic”, something both were quick to deny.

He then said he’d bet “ten thousand pounds” that the pair had made the statements.

The row continued after Ed then told the actor to “move on” from defending the former president and to answer their questions instead.

Eventually, the Hollywood star expressed his excitement for the incoming Trump administration.

The pair were broadcasting live from Washington D.C. as Trump declared victory[/caption]

Trump secured victory over Kamala Harris in this year’s presidential election and will become the 47th President of the United States.

The actor was also pressed about his views on vaccinations due to his support of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a former independent presidential candidate that eventually supported Trump.

RFK Jr. has been accused of holding conspiratorial and anti-vaccine views.

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