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Black Diamond's 'Super Bright' Headlamp That's 'Easy To Use' Is an Ultra-Rare 40% Off Right Now


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Big deals are mounting at outdoor gear retailers like REI, Backcountry, and even Amazon as Black Friday looms closer, but one of the season's best sales just went live over at Black Diamond. A highly sought-after outdoor brand, Black Diamond has posted a collection of rarely-discounted backpacks, climbing harnesses, cold-weather gloves, and so much more on its outlet page. Some of the brand's premiere lighting gear is also on sale right now, including this sleek and bright headlamp that's rarely seen on sale, and it's now under $40.

The Black Diamond Spot 400-R Rechargeable Headlamp is on sale for just $39, which is 40% off of the retail price of $65. This lightweight and comfortable LED headlamp has over 100 five-star ratings from satisfied campers who say the light is “easy to use” and “super bright.” Shoppers who’d like a headlamp with the option of recharging or using AAA batteries can pick up the brand's dual-charging model while it’s on sale for only $45.

Black Diamond Spot 400-R Rechargeable Headlamp in Octane, $39 (was $65) at Black Diamond

Courtesy of Black Diamond

High on the list of must-have gear for outdoor lovers is a solid and bright headlamp. Encased in a sleek and small but durable plastic housing, the headlamp outputs 400 lumens powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. The soft, recycled elastic headband easily adjusts with one hand, and the lamp has a second switch to go between lenses along with a memory function that saves your last brightness setting. Improved lighting technology gives you a brighter, more efficient light which you can adjust by simply tapping the headlamp body. It’s also IPX8-rated for waterproofness and you get proximity and distance modes, dimming, strobe, and red night-vision settings.

Satisfied shoppers like that that headlamp is rechargeable with a long battery life and a bright light. "This little light is a powerhouse,” said one customer. “I love it—comfortable and easy to use." Another agreed, saying “The light is very bright,” adding, “I like its very long battery life—I don't want to be bothered to charge or change batteries very often and this model allows that.”

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Other campers loved that it’s compact but still bright enough for big adventures: “This light is perfect for all outings—it is lightweight enough for trail/hiking adventures and bright enough for cross-country skiing and biking.” The easy-to-use controls also garnered praise, with one shopper saying that “the adjustment on this product is smooth and quiet” and another saying ”I really like the ability to ramp up/down the brightness and the ease of changing between your lights.”

A good quality headlamp like this one should be on your camping gear upgrade list if you don’t already have one. Not only is it full of features, well-made, easy-to-operate, and waterproof, it’s a shocking 40% off, which is rare for a Black Diamond product. It’s only available in one color though, so it's likely to sell out soon, which means it'd be wise to jump on it quickly. 

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