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Ultimate £1million ‘Big Boy’ motorhome with huge living room, heated flooring and its own SPA is unveiled


AN ALMIGHTY new motorhome with a full kitchen, luxury living room, and even heated flooring has just been unveiled with a staggering £1million price tag.

The monstrous machine, built by iconic tuning company Brabus – known for their long-running association with Mercedes – is the ultimate home on wheels.

A huge new motorhome has been unveiled, packed full of luxury features[/caption]
This includes a spa-style bathroom with natural stone walls and a rainforest shower[/caption]
The large dining area can seat up to four passengers[/caption]
It packs a powerful 12.8-litre diesel engine but only a top speed of 56 mph[/caption]

Called the Big Boy 1200, this 12-metre long, 26-tonne motorhome is based on the Mercedes Actros truck and has been converted by Belgian specialist STX Motorhomes.

Loaded with luxury features, the Big Boy 1200 includes a 30-square metre living space – similar in size to a small one-bedroom flat.

This is achieved using four electrically-powered slide-out modules that expand the bedroom and living spaces when the vehicle is parked.

What is Brabus?

Brabus is a German tuning house known for customising high-performance vehicles – particuarly those made by Mercedes-Benz.

They’re known for modifying cars to enhance their performance and refinement – offering everything from engine upgrades through to interior enhancements.

They don’t just work on Mercs either, with Porsche and Rolls-Royce having previously collaborated with Brabus. The brand has even worked on boats and fashion.

The most powerful and perhaps most famous Brabus is the aptly named Rocket 1000, with its 4.5-litre V8 engine and electric drive technology making it the most powerful supercar in the brand’s four-decade history.

The living room features two grey leather sofas emblazoned by Brabus’ signature quilting that faces a shiny, 43-inch TV.

Other details include Sahari carpets, black wood and Alcantara finish.

Moving to the bedroom, the master suite comes with a double bed, a large closet, and a desk.

Another huge television with a PlayStation 5 provides entertainment, and a single bed can lower into the cockpit for additional sleeping space.

The kitchen features an induction hob, oven, dishwasher, fridge with freezer, and even a wine fridge and coffee machine.

A small dining area is also included, complete with designer chairs and a large black table that comfortably seats four.

There’s even a full spa-style bathroom, beautifully designed with natural stone walls, a toilet, a rainforest shower, a heated towel rail, and a separate vanity area.

Naturally, being a Brabus, it boasts incredible power from its sizable 12.8-litre, six-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine, which produces 523 horsepower but a capped top speed of just 56 mph.

Refinement aside, the Big Boy 1200 comes with a variety of tech enhancements, including heated flooring throughout, with a night heater and automatic air conditioning powered by eight solar panels and an onboard energy storage system.

Passengers can also stay connected to the internet even in remote areas thanks to a satellite internet link via Starlink.

It even boasts the very best in security with a 360-degree surveillance system, while entry to the vehicle requires a four-digit entry code.

Naturally, the Big Boy 1200 has a dizzying starting price of €1,260,504, which is roughly £1,057,000.

Brabus has stated that the vehicle will only be available in approved markets due to its substantial size, and if it does come to the UK then owners will require a Category C HGV licence to drive it.

This comes as a family have given viewers a tour inside their new home – the ex tour bus of a legendary British band.

The Kirk family have everything they need to eat, sleep and travel on the UK’s roads in the massive double-decker.

And a DJ has revealed how he turned an old van into a hidden side hustle that lets him travel the world for free.

The tiny home boasts a living room, bed, fully-stocked kitchen and its very own small business at the back.

The large master bedroom boasts a large closet and a desk[/caption]
The fully stocked fridge includes an induction hob, oven, dishwasher, fridge with freezer, and even a wine fridge[/caption]
Everywhere you look, the motorhome has impressive, Brabus-themed touches[/caption]

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