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Ange Postecoglou reveals what he hated most about Spurs vs Galatasaray


Ange Postecoglou has been speaking to the press after this evening’s Europa League defeat to Galatasaray, and had plenty to say about Spurs and their poor composure.

Photo by SpursWeb

Spurs were all over the place against Galatasaray

Tottenham Hotspur entered RAMS Park tonight knowing they would be in for a rough ride against a Galatasaray side who have not lost a game all season.

However, Ange Postecoglou very likely expected much, much better from his team, as he witnessed a makeshift back four give the ball away time and time again.

Ultimately, Spurs were punished by their failure to mark Victor Osimhen effectively, with the Nigerian striker bagging two goals on the night.

While Tottenham did claw their way back and come away on the wrong end of a fairly respectable 3-2 scoreline despite being down to ten men after Will Lankshear‘s red card, the number of mistakes made by the Lilywhites is real cause for concern.

(Credit: Hayters)

Ange Postecoglou not happy with carelessness in possession

Speaking after the game (via Football.London), Ange Postecoglou discussed his Spurs vs Galatasaray and their shortcomings on the night. He insisted that the first-half performance in particular is what really cost them the game.

He said: “In the first half we gave the ball away too much. We lacked composure and we allowed Galatasaray to get a foothold in the game and we paid the price for that.

“It just felt it was self-inflicted. We had really simple solutions out there to keep the ball. It wasn’t that hard. We showed it with 10 men. We just needed to be stronger on the ball and play the kind of football we play every week.

“Maybe it was a little bit the changes I made and the environment and atmosphere, but the moments that stick out to me was giving the ball away. We were playing through them quite easily with 10 men but with 11 men we had nowhere near that conviction and that was disappointing.”

Too little too late for Spurs

It is pretty frustrating that, by the end of the game, we should really have gotten at least a point from that game, and if it wasn’t for really disappointing mistakes in the first half, we would have pulled off a brilliant result in an incredibly difficult game.

The post Ange Postecoglou reveals what he hated most about Spurs vs Galatasaray appeared first on Spurs Web.

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