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REI Is Selling a $300 Nemo Sleeping Bag for Just $150, and Shoppers Say It's 'Perfect' for Fall Car Camping


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Fall campers have been flocking to REI for the outdoor retailer's expansive mid-season deals on gear. Everything from plush sleeping pads to Arc'teryx backpacks and essential base layers can be found for a fraction of their normal prices. Thousands found themselves picking up new sleeping bags from Nemo while they were temporarily marked down. All but one have gone back up in price, but the sole survivor is still $150 off with the promise of cozy sleep under the stars.

Nemo’s Jazz 30 Sleeping Bag is on sale at REI for $150—a sweet 50% off of the regular cost of $300. Satisfied campers have called it “silky soft” and say it's “very spacious.” It comes in one color and one size, but a shopper who is 6 feet tall and 212 pounds said the sleeping bag was “massive,” even for their stature.

Nemo’s Jazz 30 Sleeping Bag in Lagoon/Lumen, $150 (was $300) at REI

Courtesy of REI

Sleeping bags are, of course, an essential outdoor item to have when heading out for an overnighter or two in the wilderness, but some of the mummy bags made for backpacking can be confining. This Nemo bag is rectangular, which makes it a whole lot more comfortable. It might look simple, but the brand added a few quirks and features to the recycled synthetic Jazz that make it stand out. Extra touches include a built-in bedsheet that you can take out and wash, a lightly insulated pad sleeve to give you a little more cushion and to keep your sleeping pad in place all night, double zipper pulls on both sides, and a soft draft collar to help regulate temps. The overall design has a slight taper to both the head and foot of the bag to keep weight and bulk down while still allowing for maximum roominess and warmth.

Happy customers raved about how roomy and comfortable the bag is, with one commenting that it had “plenty of room and was just as comfortable as being at home.” One dog lover noted that it’s big enough to sleep with a large pet: “Me and my 55-pound dog fit in this one just fine.”

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Others praised the size and warmth, but noted that it’s not for backpacking: “It is quite large, but for car camping, it is perfect.” And this satisfied car camper gave it top marks, saying that it’s a “10 out of 10 for car camping.”

REI is consistently the best place to shop for deals on quality outdoor gear, and this sleeping bag is a super deal for a car camping champ. And it’s one of the best deals we’ve seen on Nemo’s high-quality outdoor offerings at an impressive $150 off. Just don’t get caught sleeping on this deal—as more folks find out about REI’s steep camping deals ahead of the incoming season, they’ll be sure to snap this one up.

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