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Bear Grylls’ son Marmaduke, 18, towers over his dad in resurfaced snap – after Gary Barlow’s son goes viral for height


BEAR Grylls’ teenage son Marmaduke is heading the same direction as Gary Barlow’s son – all because of his height.

Gary’s eldest child Daniel, 24, has this week become an internet sensation after his tall stature sent him viral.

TV adventurer Bear Grylls has three sons with his wife Shara[/caption]
Instagram @beargrylls
Their middle son Marmaduke towers over Bear and Shara[/caption]

Bear’s 18-year-old son Marmaduke now appears to be capturing fans’ attention for the identical reason after a picture of him with his dad resurfaced.

Marmaduke was photographed towering over Bear and his mum Shara in a photograph shared to mark his birthday in April.

The teen is wearing his smart public school clothes in the snap and is standing tall in between parents.

Bear had also posted another picture to mark Marmaduke’s milestone day and, although it was an older photo, his son still towered over him.

The Chief Scout and adventurer’s followers were quick to comment on the snaps, with the vast majority mentioning Marmaduke’s height.

One of Bear’s pals teased: “What you been feeding hike? 18 and already looks incredibly strong ”

Another added: “You must look up to him a lot.”

And third wrote: “Beast of a manmust eat lots of ”

Bear replied: “You’ve no idea how many ribeyes! ”

The photo of Bear’s son has resurfaced after Gary Barlow’s son Daniel became an internet sensation this week.

Take That star Gary left fans blinking after a picture emerged of him standing next to his wife Dawn Andrews, Daniel and their daughters Emily, 22, and Daisy, 15.

The picture has racked up more than six million views online as fans marvel at the 6ft 2in student towering over Gary, who is just 5ft 7in.

Dozens of funny memes have emerged on social media, including a picture of Gary holding a giant red and white candy cane with the caption: “Gary Barlow handing his son a straw.”

Gary previously revealed his children have decided to snub fame.

The Rule The World singer revealed: “The two oldest ones, Daniel and Emily, have kind of gone into medicine and physiology – studying strength and conditioning – and my youngest one, Daisy, I’m not too sure what she’s heading for but again, she’s very studious… unlike me and my wife.”

Bear, meanwhile, has three sons with his wife Shara. Along with Marmaduke, they are also parents to Jesse, 21, and Huckleberry, 15.

The jury is out on whether they hope to follow in their dad’s footsteps when it comes to fame, but it is clear they share his love of the great outdoors.

In 2021, Bear told HELLO! magazine: “All the boys are so different, and like all teenagers, they change their mind pretty often, but they have a great spirit and have grown up to love the outdoors.

“Scouts has been amazing like that for so many families. Encouraging friendships and a respect for nature. Those things are important.”

Instagram @beargrylls
Bear and Shara’s son turned 18 earlier this year[/caption]
Gary Barlow’s son Daniel has become an internet sensation this week[/caption]
The 24-year-old towers right over his parents and siblings

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