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‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Sets the Stage for Schmitt’s Exit — and Tragedy for Yasuda


Note: This story contains spoilers from “Grey’s Anatomy” Season 21, Episode 6.

“Grey’s Anatomy” began saying goodbye to Dr. Levi Schmitt in this week’s episode — while teasing a potential tragic ending for Dr. Mika Yasuda.

Fans have expected to bid farewell to cast members Jake Borelli and Midori Francis, who play Drs. Schmitt and Yasuda, respectively, since reports surfaced earlier this year that both would exit the ABC medical drama sometime in Season 21. While both actors have taken part in substantial storylines this season so far, Thursday’s hour solidified one of the goodbyes as a potential happy ending, while the other doctor might not make it out alive.

Episode 6, titled “Night Moves,” followed as the Grey Sloan Memorial hospital doctors did their typical juggling of tense medical cases with personal troubles. As he considered a medical research opportunity in Texas, Levi spent the hour being wooed by Dr. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) and Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.) to try out being a general surgery attending physician and take the lead on an emergency procedure.

Levi confidently saved a life and wrestled with the possibility of leaving the hospital to take on a resume-boosting opportunity before applying for very competitive pediatric surgery fellowships. He also just started a relationship with hospital chaplain James (Michael Thomas Grant) and felt conflicted about leaving him behind.

But by the end of the episode Levi decided to turn down his mentors’ offer and go for the research position. The doctor then said goodbye to Dr. Webber and Bailey before finding and sharing a sweet farewell with his best friend, Dr. Taryn Helm (Jaicy Elliott). The episode left Levi wondering how he was going to break the news about leaving to his new boyfriend.

As for Mika, the surgical intern has spent the last few episodes nursing her younger sister Chloe (Julia Rose) through chemo — after she was diagnosed with a severe form of cancer. Thursday’s hour followed as she returned to work from some leave and overworked herself trying to make up for having her fellow interns step in for her at the hospital.

Adelaide Kane and Midori Francis in “Grey’s Anatomy.” (Disney/Anne Marie Fox)

Some romance sparked for her and fellow intern Dr. Jules Millin (Adelaide Kane), when they both admitted that they still had feelings for each other despite previously putting a pause on their blossoming relationship.

At the end of the episode, Mika left the hospital with her sister, and the duo was driving away and considering stopping for breakfast. Resting in the passenger seat, Chloe mentioned what she wanted for herself and was puzzled when her sister didn’t answer. When she opened her eyes, she saw Mika had fallen asleep at the wheel. The episode faded to black as the pair both gasped, leaving the cliffhanger of them possibly getting into a car accident.

We’ll have to wait til next week’s episode to learn what happens with both doctors. And there was plenty more drama in the hospital. Dr. Jo Wilson (Camila Luddington) continued to struggle with accepting being pregnant with twins, but got a supportive talk with both Amelia (Caterina Scorsone) and Link (Chris Carmack). Meanwhile, Teddy (Kim Raver) and Owen’s (Kevin McKidd) marriage took another tumble after an interrupted double date with another couple ended with Dr. Cass Beckman (newcomer Sophia Bush) kissing Teddy. When Teddy brought it up to Owen as a joke, it started yet another fight between the couple.

“Grey’s Anatomy” airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on ABC and streams the next day on Peacock.

The post ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Sets the Stage for Schmitt’s Exit — and Tragedy for Yasuda appeared first on TheWrap.

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