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Shoppers rush to buy £5 Amazon bargain that stops draughts so you don’t blast the heating – it’s ideal for old windows


AS the weather continues to get colder, your home may begin to feel a little chilly.

A budget-friendly Amazon buy may help prevent draughts in your home.

Amazon shoppers heaped on the praise for a budget buy that is designed to keep your house warm in winter (stock image)[/caption]

Homeowners can now reduce the amount of winter air flowing through their space.

Cuysfead’s Insulation Sealant Tape Draught Excluder is currently available for £4.99, reduced from £6.14, on Amazon.

The self-adhesive foam tape can be used to tackle window and door draughts.

It comes in white to blend seamlessly with most window and door frames.

The budget buy can also help to soundproof your room from the outside.

According to manufacturers, the tape can help you save on your energy bills this winter.

They explained that the draught excluder makes a “tight seal to keep out noise, wind, dust, and winter cold air.”

It can also be utilised in the summer heat to keep your home cool and comfortable.

The exterior of the tape is made with polymer PE film nylon cloth to ensure the product remains waterproof and wear resistant for long-term use.

It is designed for use on all types of sliding doors and windows, casement doors and windows including interior frameless glass doors, wooden doors, bathroom doors, and greenhouse windows.

Manufacturers recommend laying out the roll of tape for two days before installation.

Amazon shoppers shared their experiences with the product in the site’s review section.

“Used for over a week now and it does block the wind coming in. Used on my old windows. Great!” wrote one impressed buyer.

“Love how easy it is to fit and cut. But most importantly, it really blocks the draught, thank God, love this,” said another person.

“Easy to install and great that this is one length so you can work your way around the door and just use one piece to ensure that there’s just a single joint,” commented a third Amazon user.

5 ways to keep your house warm in winter

Property expert Joshua Houston shared his tips.

1. Curtains

“Windows are a common place for the outside cold to get into your home, this is because of small gaps that can let in air so always close your curtains as soon as it gets dark,” he said.

This simple method gives you an extra layer of warmth as it can provide a kind of “insulation” between your window and curtain.

2. Rugs

“Your floor is another area of your home where heat can be lost and can make your home feel chilly,” he continued. “You might notice on cold days, that your floor is not nice to walk on due to it freezing your feet.

“Add rugs to areas that don’t already have a carpet, this provides a layer of insulation between your bare floor and the room above.”

3. Check your insulation

Check your pipes, loft space, crawlspaces and underneath floorboards.

“Loose-fill insulation is very good for this, and is a more affordable type of insulation, with a big bag being able to be picked up for around £30,” Joshua explained.

4. Keep your internal doors closed

“Household members often gather in one room in the evening, and this is usually either the kitchen or living room,” Joshua said.

“This means you only have to heat a small area of your home, and closing the doors keeps the heat in and the cold out.”

5. Block drafts 

Don’t forget to check cat flaps, chimneys and letterboxes, as they can let in cold air if they aren’t secure.

“Looks great and a nice slug fit when the door is closed. Will make a big difference come winter.”

“The draught strip works as it should, there was a small gap in two of my windows which was making the house cold,” wrote another shopper.

“The adhesion of strip is strong and it forms an airtight seal, helps in keeping the house warm.”

They also praised the “simple installation” of the draught sealant tape. 

“Easy to fit, has eliminated the draught in our old double glazed windows,” said one buyer.

The self-adhesive draught excluder sealant tape can help reduce the winter chill in your home[/caption]

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