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Brazen shoplifter stole four bottles of Prosecco – then returned to swipe more when she realised it was non-alcoholic


A BRAZEN shoplifter stole four bottles of Prosecco – then returned to swipe more when she realised it was non-alcoholic.

Ellie Pritchard, 22, nicked £26 worth of bubbly from a Tesco Express while out with a pal in Southport, Merseyside.

Ellie Pritchard stole four bottles of Prosecco but returned for more[/caption]

But the haul fell flat when they discovered they had actually stolen Prosecco that was zero per cent alcohol.

Shameless Pritchard returned to the same store just 40 minutes later to carry out another raid – this time stealing fizz with a high alcohol content.

The mum was caught when a taxi driver found one of the unopened bottles in the back of his cab after giving Pritchard a lift.

Store workers checked the CCTV and saw the two thieves taking booze and walking out without paying.

They delved further and discovered Pritchard had brazenly returned for another heist.

When she was arrested, the young woman said: “I was going through a bad time – I just wanted a drink.”

She avoided jail after pleading guilty to two charges of theft and was fined £120 and ordered to pay £62 compensation to Tesco.

Her accomplice Chanelle Wilson, 27, failed to appear in court but was convicted of theft in her absence and fined £180 with £157 in costs and a victim surcharge.

Sefton Magistrates’ Court heard Pritchard and Wilson targeted the store on June 12 under the guise of buying groceries.

Tara Thomas, prosecuting said: “The defendant and her accomplice took four bottles of non-alcoholic Prosecco from the fridge and they passed all points of payment.

“The defendant later returned a short time later by herself at approximately 1pm and stole another four bottles of alcoholic Prosecco. She took the bottles out of the fridge and passed all points of payment.

“The defendant was identified from CCTV by the manager of the store. She was interviewed in relation to the matter and admitted to stealing all the Prosecco.”

The court was told Pritchard had a previous conviction for drink-driving in 2022.

In mitigation, her lawyer Charlotte Baggaley said she is a “vulnerable young lady” who suffers from depression and anxiety.

Sentencing, JPs told Pritchard: “We have taken into account that you have shown remorse and that you are lightly convicted.”

Pritchard claimed she just needed a drink[/caption]
She pleaded guilty to two charges of theft[/caption]
The mum was fined £120[/caption]

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