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Second Spanish city hit by devastating floods that wash cars down road


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Spain woke up to more flooding chaos today as another deluge of rain swept cars down a street.

Around 30 cars were washed away in the town of Cadaques in Girona, Catalonia its mayor confirmed this morning, with several seen piled up on top of each other by a bridge.

It comes just over a week after the country was hit by Spain’s worst flooding in living memory, leaving at least 200 people dead.

Catalan weather agency Meteocat, which published footage of the Cadeques flooding, said: ‘This is how the Cadaques stream goes down after the intense and continuous rain this morning, where there is likely to have been more than 100mm of rainfall.’

One local resident said on X: ‘The situation is very serious in Cadaques. Dozens of cars have been swept away by the swollen stream in the town, blocking up the bridge.

‘It’s been many years since something like this happened in Cadaques.’

Mayor Pia Serinyana said there had been material damage only and no one had been injured in the flooding.

The local mayor said people had been warned not to park their car in certain areas (Picture: Solarpix.com)

She said the affected cars had been parked in areas where people had been warned not to leave their vehicles because of heavy rain forecast.

‘We had an alert from the Operations Coordination Centre of Catalonia, but people parked their cars [anyway] and the water swept them away,’ she added.

‘There has been a lot of water falling on the mountain and, although it has hardly rained in the town, the water has swept away some parked cars.’ 

There have been no reports of injuries (Picture: Solarpix.com)

The heaviest rainfall happened between 2am and 3am. While rain warnings for northeastern Catalonia remained in place, the local meteorological service predicted that the rain will ease over the weekend.

As reported by the MailOnline, one local said: ‘If this raging torrent of water had come through town during the day I’m sure we would have been looking at mass casualties. The time of night this happened saved us from a certain tragedy.’

Where is Girona?

Girona lies in north western Spain, near the French border, and is around three hundred miles north of Valencia, which saw the worst of last week’s flooding.

Girona is in north west Spain, with Cadaques lying close to the French border (Picture: Daily Mail)

How many people died in the Valencia flooding?

A total of 205 bodies were recovered after the devasting floods in Valencia on October 29.

Of those 202 were in the eastern Valencia region, two in Castilla La Mancha and one in Andalusia.

Seventy eight people are also missing.

Many people’s homes and businesses were also destroyed in the chaos, which happened after a year’s worth of rain fell in the space of a day.

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