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Kate Middleton to attend two major events on Remembrance Sunday

The Princess of Wales will attend the events over the weekend (Picture: Tim Rooke/Pool/Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Kate Middleton will attend the Festival of Remembrance on Saturday and the Remembrance Sunday service in London, Buckingham Palace has announced.

The Princess of Wales will join King Charles, Prince William and other royal family members at the ceremony honouring those killed in war at the Cenotaph on Sunday.

Her attending among the most sombre events of the royal calendar is a significant step in Kate’s gradual return to public life since revealing her cancer diagnosis in March.

Palace officials added that Queen Camilla’s attendance is subject to medical advice following a chest infection.

Camilla, 77, was forced to cancel engagements this week, adding to what has been a difficult year for the royals with both Charles and Catherine being treated for cancer.

Several top royals will be attending events over the weekend (Picture: Chris Jackson Collection)

Kate will also be joining the King at the Festival Remembrance held at the Royal Albert Hall on Saturday afternoon. The programme, which will feature musical performances and testimonies, will be aired on BBC One.

Charles, who recently completed his first long-haul overseas tour since his cancer diagnosis, will lay a wreath of poppies at the base of the Cenotaph memorial.

Stepping out for both Remembrance Day functions will be the first time the princess has carried out two consecutive days of public official engagements this year.

Catherine announced she had finished a course of treatment in September, though Kensington Palace did not offer further details on the princess’ medical condition.

‘Doing what I can to stay cancer-free is now my focus,’ Kate said.

‘Although I have finished chemotherapy, my path to healing and full recovery is long, and I must continue to take each day as it comes.’

Beyond saying that she was undergoing chemotherapy, the palace has never confirmed what type of cancer Kate was being treated for or how far the disease had spread.

Declaring someone cancer-free isn’t an easy thing to do, experts say, given that microscopic cancerous material can sometimes escape detection.

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