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I tried a viral hack promising to save hundreds on my B&M trolley but it was a con – it took 2 HOURS to save a tenner


B&M has always been my go-to spot, especially when I need a bit of retail therapy. 

Who doesn’t love a good bargain, right? 

There is a viral hack which promises to save hundreds on your B&M shop[/caption]
I spent two hours scouring the store to find discounts[/caption]
I headed to B&M to see what the biggest discounts I could find[/caption]

For me, the perfect Saturday afternoon often involves a leisurely stroll around my local B&M, hunting for deals and indulging in a little retail joy.

It’s pretty clear I’m a fan, too. 

Every time I scroll through TikTok, B&M hauls pop up, and that’s how I discovered their B&M app.

The app includes a handy barcode scanner that lets you check if an item has been discounted.

People on social media were claiming they saved over £100 from a single shop, and I couldn’t believe it. 

Even B&M themselves were saying to use the app to find hidden discounts.

So, I decided to give it a whirl and headed to my local B&M store. 

It’s hard to find something that I don’t like in the store, so as soon as I got in, I started scanning everything. 

From the food aisle to the home section, the gardening bits and even pyjamas, I was scanning away.

However, I quickly started to lose momentum as I could barely find any discounts.

I first found a makeup brush holder that cost £2 on the shelf, but on the app it was £1. 

Then I came across a glass coffee mug which was £2, but on the app it came up as £1.50.

I also found a fancy white mirror in cream which was priced at £4 on the shelf, but was reduced to £2 on the app.

And that was about it for the home section.

Although I was happy with any sort of discount, I was disappointed with how little it was and how long it took me to come across it

Yasmin Harisha

After an hour of trying in that section, I took myself down to the Christmas decoration section, which is filled with sparkling goodies. 

From baubles to lights and stockings, I was in heaven and really hoping for some big discounts.

But again, I was left disappointed, albeit I did get some discount though. I came across luxury sparkling baubles which had a sticker on them saying £5, but on the app it was £4.

Then 20 silver sparkling baubles priced at £5, but on the app they were £4. 

I mainly found discounts on the Christmas items[/caption]
I came across a sparkling red bow that cost £4 in store, and £3 on the app[/caption]
I found a six-pack of baubles priced at £5 in the store, but they were £4 on the app[/caption]

Also, I found a six-pack of baubles priced at £5 in the store, but they were £4 on the app.

Then a packet of nine large sparkling baubles priced at £12 in store, but they were £10 on the app. 

I also came across a 20-pack of “Simply Christmas Luxury Baubles” in a blush colour which were priced £5 and on the app they were £4. Then a cute glitter bow that cost £4 in store, and £3 on the app. 

All together that’s a total saving of £10.50, and that took me two hours to find.

I’d rather think of it as a nice surprise if a discount is there but not have high hopes. 

Yasmin Harisha

Although I was happy with any sort of discount, I was disappointed with how little it was and how long it took me to come across it. 

I wouldn’t recommend heading to B&M solely to look for discounts, but any discount is a good discount.

It’s worth downloading and testing it out on an item you are already buying, but I wouldn’t count on it. 

I’d rather think of it as a nice surprise if a discount is there but not have high hopes. 

In the end, it’s all about finding those hidden gems – sometimes you strike gold, and other times, it’s just a bit of a treasure hunt.

5 things you didn't know about Home Bargains

  1. Home Bargains was founded by Tom Morris
  2. It’s official name is TJ Morris Ltd but trades as Home Bargains
  3. The first store was opened in Liverpool in 1976
  4. Around 30% of the stores range comprises clearance lines
  5. There are 575 stores nationwide

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