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My husband made sick AI porn bots of my MUM & his best mate’s wife, people beg me to leave him but I’m trapped


A 35-YEAR-OLD mum has revealed she wants to leave her husband because of his stash of AI-generated porn.

She said they haven’t been having much sex since the traumatic birth of their child.

A mother was torn if she should leave her husband after finding his stash of AI porn (stock image)[/caption]

Getting a lot of pelvic rest alongside having “no help” with the baby has made it impossible for sex to be a regular occurrence. 

However, she wasn’t expecting her 35-year-old husband to turn to AI porn.

“I ended up using his laptop for work and was looking for one of my files and saw he made AI porn pics of both his best friend’s wife and my mother,” she said, writing on Reddit.

“I’m so creeped out and sickened by it. When I confronted him about it he claims it was a porn addiction and didn’t…use the pics…in that way. 

“I’m just so disgusted and disturbed. I want to leave, but I also don’t want to raise this baby alone.

“AITAH [am I the a**hole]? I don’t know what to do.”

The mum confessed she was torn because staying with her husband and leaving him both seemed “scary.”

“Every day I wake up praying it was all a bad dream and every day I realize I’m still stuck in this disgusting reality,” she added.

“I never thought someone could be this f**ked up…especially my husband.”

A stream of commenters urged her to leave as they feared her husband’s actions could get worse.

“I think if it were just random women, it might be easier to swallow. But your mother is next-level gross,” one person said.

“If your mum and his best mate’s wife aren’t off limits, nobody is,” another commented

“It’s a worry that he let you use the laptop knowing they were on there. It means he wasn’t ashamed of it.

“This will include your baby’s schoolteachers, friends mums, sisters and eventually his/her friends/girlfriends.

“People don’t grow a sense of sexual decency in adulthood if it’s missing, it’s missing.”

Signs your relationship is heading for a divorce

  1. Persistent Communication Breakdowns
    Constant misunderstandings, arguments, or a complete lack of meaningful conversation can signal deep-seated issues.
  2. Emotional Distance
    Feeling like roommates rather than partners, with a noticeable lack of intimacy or emotional connection.
  3. Frequent Criticism and Contempt
    Regularly criticising each other and showing contempt, such as sarcasm, eye-rolling, or mocking, can erode the relationship’s foundation.
  4. Unresolved Conflicts
    Recurrent arguments about the same issues without any resolution can indicate deeper incompatibilities.
  5. Loss of Trust
    Trust is crucial in any relationship. If it’s been broken and cannot be rebuilt, it may be a sign that the relationship is in trouble.
  6. Different Life Goals
    Significant differences in future aspirations, such as career goals, lifestyle choices, or family planning, can create insurmountable divides.
  7. Avoidance
    Preferring to spend time apart rather than together, whether through work, hobbies, or social activities, can indicate a desire to escape the relationship.
  8. Lack of Support
    Feeling unsupported, whether emotionally, financially, or practically, can lead to feelings of isolation and resentment.
  9. Financial Disagreements
    Constantly arguing about money, spending habits, or financial priorities can strain the relationship.
  10. Infidelity
    Whether physical or emotional, infidelity can be a major breach of trust and a sign of deeper issues in the relationship.
  11. Changes in Affection
    A noticeable decrease in affection, physical touch, or romantic gestures can indicate a loss of connection.

A third commenter argued that AI images are a “violation” of their marriage and just as bad as if he had nudes of someone they know. 

“I think you need to leave him because he doesn’t respect you,” they continued.

“Maybe he’ll be a great father, but he can no longer be your husband. 

“The real choice you need to make is whether or not you tell his best friend and the best friend’s wife about it. 

“It’s not like anyone cheated, but I’d want to know if someone I knew well was sexualizing me that way and I’d definitely want to know if I was the best friend.

“NTA [not the a**hole], I’m praying for your eyes.”

Other responses to the post sympathised with the mum but suggested she try counselling before calling the marriage quits.

“If there is a part of you that truly wants to salvage your marriage, taking your baby out of the equation, then perhaps try counselling,” a Redditor commented.

“But if you cannot move past it. Then you should opt for divorce. You will likely still have to face your mum and the best friend’s gf [girlfriend], which might always leave you feeling insecure.

“Staying in an unhappy marriage will mess up your child way more than a divorce. 

“Just remember that relationships are modelled to children by their parents, whether healthy or unhealthy.

“I’m so sorry that you are going through this, especially with a newborn. But please don’t stay just because you fear hardship.

“ It will only be hard temporarily. But signing up for an unhappy marriage can mean hardship emotionally for the rest of your life.”

Responses to the post advised the mum to leave her husband and expose him for making the AI images (stock image)[/caption]

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