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‘I would have cried’: Woman opens can of Hormel Chili. Then she sees what’s inside


A recent TikTok about a Hormel chili can foul up will make you second guess what to expect in your next tinned meal.

Amara (@amaralovescoraline) expected to be dining on Hormel turkey chili but claims she found something entirely different in the can.

She posted the alleged find to her TikTok account earlier this week. As of publication, the video has 52,000 views.

Here's what she found

"I just wanted chili," Amara declares in the video's caption. Instead, she experienced a WTF moment that left her with questions.

"Chili, right? Turkey with beans chili," she says in the video as she displays a can from Hormel that is clearly labeled "Turkey with Beans."

"Chili, right?" she asks one more time before displaying what is inside the can.

"Why is there mac and cheese?" she asks as she films the contents of the opened can, which is, indeed, filled with pasta and cheese sauce.

After seeing the confusing contents of the can, Amara asked her mom if she was pranking her. But she claims that the can was not tampered with.

"Why is there mac and cheese in my chili?" she asks again. "I'm so confused."

@amaralovescoraline I just wanted chilli ????#Chilli #fyp #food #funny #wtf ♬ original sound - Amara ????

Where did it come from?

Amara seems to have encountered a packaging error when she discovered mac and cheese in her can of Hormel chili. However, there is a bit of mystery attached.

Strangely, while Hormel does sell mac and cheese, it does not come canned. Instead, it is sold in a plastic carton.

Very few companies still offer mac and cheese in canned form. Two of the most popular brands that do so are Heinz and Chef Boyardee. But neither company is owned by Hormel.

Conagra, Heinz, and Hormel all have processing facilities in multiple locations but none of them process food for their competitors.

So how did the mac get into the chili can? It's a mystery.

What happened with Hormel's Turkey and Beans Chili?

While there is a very slim chance that the Hormel chili can mix up was caused by a prank it's more likely the result of an error.

According to a study by North Carolina State University, on average 25% to 50% of total recalls of mispackaged or mislabeled food are "due to human error."

Per the study, "In a high speed, quick change over the food factory environment, it is very easy to select the incorrect label for a product from a big box of labels."

The Daily Dot reached out to Hormel via email for a statement.

What viewers said about the Hormel chili mix up

"I knew after the second 'Chili right?' I’d be in for a surprise but not that," one person wrote in the comments.

@amaralovescoraline I just wanted chilli ????#Chilli #fyp #food #funny #wtf ♬ original sound - Amara ????

Another simply stated, "This woulda made me cry on a bad day."

"I just bought that at Winco and now I’m scared to open it but it’s like 1140 at night. I’ll try tomorrow," someone else added.

The Daily Dot reached out to Amara via TikTok direct message and comment.

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The post ‘I would have cried’: Woman opens can of Hormel Chili. Then she sees what’s inside appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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