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Nelly Korda, Suni Lee, Gabby Thomas and Co stun in jaw-dropping Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition shoot


SOME of the best sportswomen around have been revealed as part of Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Edition.

The iconic annual photoshoots always attract some of the biggest names in sport and this year is no different.

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Gabby Thomas is one of four athletes who have been announced for the new Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition[/caption]
Thomas won gold for Team USA this summer[/caption]

The first few athletes who have taken part in the campaign range from Olympic champions to world record holders.

And the chosen few were taken to Boca Raton, Florida to pose for the cameras.

Sprinter Gabby Thomas, 27, has ditched the race track for the boardwalk as she posed in an Orange one-piece for the campaign.

The two-time Olympian won bronze and silver medals on her Olympic debut in Tokyo before adding three gold medals to her collection this summer in Paris.

Artistic gymnastics star Suni Lee was also in Paris and joined the Sports Illustrated team this year too.

The 21-year-old has already won two golds, one silver and three bonze medals at the Olympics despite her young age.

And she wore a brown two-piece bikini as she sprawled out on a sun lounger for her photoshoot.

Thomas and Lee aren’t the only Olympians to pose for the cameras either.

Ben Horton
Suni Lee has also joined the Sports illustrated campaign[/caption]
The gymnast has won six olympic medals and is still only 21[/caption]

Freestyle skier and three-time Olympic medallist Eileen Gu, 21, also took part in the campaign wearing a bright red swimsuit.

Gu is more used to the snow-capped mountains, where she has earned 15 World Cup titles, than the hot beaches of Florida.

Also joining the Sports Illustrated campaign is golfing sensation Nelly Korda.

Korda, 26, is currently No.1 in the world rankings for female professional golf and has already notched up 14 LPGA wins in her relatively young career.

Her shoot for the campaign saw her pose by the sea in a white bikini.

Korda doesn’t just impress on the LPGA Tour either, she has also represented Team USA at the Olympics twice – winning gold in 2020.

Even more athletes and starts will be announced in the future for the upcoming Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

Last year’s edition saw the likes of Olivia Dunne, Paige Spiranac and Brittany Mahomes take part.

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Eileen Gu posed in a red swimsuit for the photoshoot[/caption]
Gu is a Olympic freestyle skier
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Nelly Korda swapped the fairways for the beach to join the shoot[/caption]
Korda is the No.1 women’s golfer in the world[/caption]

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