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Liverpool could allow ‘game changer’ to leave Anfield in January on one condition – report


Reports have indicated that Liverpool could be open to selling one player in the January transfer window in the right circumstances.

While several men at Anfield have benefitted greatly from Arne Slot’s arrival in the summer, it’s been the opposite for Wataru Endo, who aside from two Carabao Cup starts has only played 20 minutes in the Premier League and Champions League so far this season (Transfermarkt).

The Japan captain arrived from Stuttgart for £16m in August 2023, but it appears that the Reds might already be prepared to let him depart Merseyside.

Liverpool could let Endo leave in January

According to Football Insider, Liverpool could accept offers for the 31-year-old over the winter, so long as they bring in another midfielder in January.

The same outlet had reported in recent days that the Reds will be on the lookout for a new recruit in that position in the upcoming transfer window, with funds set to be made available for a potential signing.

(Photo by Mike Hewitt/Getty Images)

Liverpool shouldn’t be too quick to sell Endo

Endo will be under no illusions as to his place in the pecking order under Slot, with the Japanese midfielder having to feed off scraps when it comes to getting game-time this season.

If Liverpool are planning to make a new signing in that area of the pitch in January, it’s another sign that the 31-year-old doesn’t appear to be in their plans under the Dutchman, and at this stage of his career he surely won’t want to be left stewing on the bench consistently.

However, with a hectic fixture run of 11 games in 36 days coming up after the current international break, the Reds might yet be counting on the ex-Stuttgart enforcer to come into the team and allow the likes of Ryan Gravenberch and Alexis Mac Allister to have a well-earned breather.

It was only last December that Trent Alexander-Arnold hailed Endo as a ‘real game changer’ and ‘outstanding professional’ after he netted in a thrilling 4-3 win over Fulham (LFCTV), and it shouldn’t be forgotten how solid our number 3 looked when he was in the starting XI under Jurgen Klopp.

Although it’s become evident that Slot doesn’t view him as a key player and he might be considered disposable, we wouldn’t advise parting with the Japan captain unless Liverpool were to bring in another midfielder first. Squad depth will be crucial in the months ahead, and he may still have a big part to play in our season.

The post Liverpool could allow ‘game changer’ to leave Anfield in January on one condition – report appeared first on The Empire of The Kop.

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