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Who is Wilson Odobert? Spurs midfielder’s speed, market value, salary, best position and more


Wilson Odobert was one of Tottenham’s big signings of the 2024 summer transfer window and the Frenchman did show some early promise before his injury issues. So, it’s time to get to know him better.

Spurs splashed the cash to land the teenage star after he made a big impression last season in the Premier League, and he’s a young attacking player who looks set for the very top.

But, who is Wilson Odobert? Here, we break down his career to date, how much he’s worth, how fast he can run, and what his best position is.

Photo by SpursWeb

Wilson Odobert salary and market value

Wilson Odobert is paid £25,000 per week at Spurs, and his current market value is around £15m.

The 19-year-old signed a contract worth £1.3m per year when he joined Tottenham, and the deal will take him through to 2029. He is one of the lowest-paid players on the Spurs wage bill, on par with the likes of Lucas Bergvall and Djed Spence.

His market value comes from Transfermarkt, though it is very much on the low side. Spurs paid around £30m for Odobert in the summer, and would be hoping his value continues to rise as his career takes off.

Which club did Spurs sign Odobert from?

Odobert signed for Spurs from Burnley, but he began his career in his native France with PSG before joining Troyes.

He was part of the PSG academy and youth system but failed to break through there, and joined Troyes on a free transfer in 2022.

A successful season in Ligue 1 saw Odobert register four goals and two assists in 32 games, and earned him a move to England to join the then-newly-promoted Burnley.

While the Clarets may have been relegated, Odobert was a shining light in their dismal season, bagging four goals and three assists.

He also scored on the opening day of the Championship campaign earlier this season before joining Spurs in August.

What position does Wison Odobert play?

Odobert can play on either wing, though he is probably most effective on the right-hand side where he can operate as a traditional touchline winger.

He has already played on both the left and the right for Spurs this season, and to good effect, too. Odobert is quick, agile, full of tricks, and is able to whip in dangerous crosses.

Odobert could also be deployed in the number 10 role behind the strikers, but this is far less common for him and he is better suited out wide.

His Tottenham career has see him struggle with hamstring issues

Odobert’s early days at Spurs suggest he will fit right in, and could end up being a really dangerous winger for Ange Postecoglou’s side.

The youngster was thrown into the starting line-up pretty quickly, and played a prominent role in the games against Everton and Newcastle at the start of the season. Odobert showed plenty of promise, adventurousness, and creativity in those games, and was unlucky not to have got a goal in both.

Sadly, his season was halted by a hamstring injury picked up in the Carabao Cup win over Coventry. He lasted just 18 minutes in that game (being replaced by the eventual matchwinner, Brennan Johnson), and missed roughly five weeks of action as a result.

He returned in late October to feature as a late substitute in the 1-0 Europa League win over AZ Alkmaar but has since been sidelined with another hamstring problem.

It is hoped that, once he gets back into his rhythm, Odobert can be a useful member of the squad.

Photo by SpursWeb

How fast is Wilson Odobert?

In the 2023/24 season, Wilson Odobert recorded a top speed of 36.14km per hour, making him the fastest forward in the top flight under the age of 21.

In fact, only Bournemouth defender, Illia Zabarnyi, managed to record a faster sprint speed than Odobert for that age group in the Premier League last season.

For comparison, Micky van de Ven is the fastest player in the division, after registering a top speed of 37.38 km/h. Still, Odobert is one of the fastest in the Spurs squad.

As per the BBC, if Odobert were able to match that top speed he recorded last term again this year, he would rank third in the list of the fastest players in the division so far this season, behind only his colleague and Wolves star Carlos Forbs.

Developing quickly at international level

Odobert has represented France at every youth level, and has been racing through the different age groups pretty quickly over the last year.

Within a year of making his debut for the France Under-20 team (in March 2023), Odobert then made one appearance for the Under-21s (in September 2023), before being promoted to the Under-23 team in March of this year.

He is likely to stay with that age group for the foreseeable future now, given the great national pool France has, but if he can continue developing at his current trajectory, there is no doubt Odobert will represent his country at senior level one day.

Personal information and social media

Wilson Serge Eric Odobert was born in Meaux, France, on November 28, 2004.

He is 1.82m tall and weighs in at 76kg, meaning he is surprisingly stocky and well-built. He often uses his great upper body strength to his advantage when taking on his man.

You can find Odobert on Instagram, where he has over 85k followers and is pretty active. He does not have a Twitter/X account.

For more Tottenham players, check out our profiles on Djed Spence and Pape Matar Sarr, or dive into the list of Spurs’ all-time leading goalscorers.

The post Who is Wilson Odobert? Spurs midfielder’s speed, market value, salary, best position and more appeared first on Spurs Web.

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