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Whooping cough, chickenpox outbreaks hit Clark County schools


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – Clark County Public Health officials are warning residents about a rise in whooping cough cases and chickenpox outbreaks hitting the county and impacting three schools.

In a Tuesday press release, the public health office said 168 whooping cough cases were reported in the first two months of the new school year alone.

Through October, 406 county residents, mostly children, were diagnosed with the virus – marking the highest number of whooping cough cases among all counties in Washington. Reported cases are also 30 times higher than they were in 2023, a county spokesperson told KOIN 6 News, with cases rising statewide as well.

At the same time, the county is seeing a rise in chickenpox cases among children, with three schools experiencing outbreaks (with each school seeing at least five cases) since late September.

So far, 50 chickenpox cases have been reported, with 23 of the cases being tied to the school outbreaks.

With the rise in cases, the county health office is reminding residents about the importance of vaccines to prevent the diseases.

“We have vaccines that are safe and can prevent these diseases,” said Dr. Alan Melnick, Clark County health officer and public health director. “The best thing parents can do to keep their children healthy and prevent them from missing time in the classroom is to ensure they are up to date on their vaccinations.”

A majority of the cases were among unvaccinated children, officials said -- noting children with whooping cough or chickenpox cannot return to school until they are no longer contagious, meaning students can miss at least a week of school.

When a school is experiencing a chickenpox outbreak, students who do not have proof of immunity – either from vaccination or previous infection – can be excluded from school for 21 days from the last date they were exposed.

Not only can sick children miss time at school, but they can also bring the illness home to younger siblings and others who are at high risk of complications from the diseases, officials said.

Infants have the greatest risk of illness and hospitalization from whooping cough whereas infants, pregnant people, adolescents, adults, and adults with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of complications from chickenpox.

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a serious respiratory disease that can spread easily from person to person when an infected person breathes, sneezes, or coughs. Early symptoms include runny or stuffy nose, a mild cough, and a low-grade fever.

Officials warn that one to two weeks after symptoms begin, people can develop “violent coughing fits that leave them gasping for air afterward.” Babies with whooping cough may not cough and instead can experience life-threatening pauses in breathing, gagging, or gasping.

People with whooping cough are contagious as soon as their first cold-like symptoms begin, health officials said, warning people can spread the illness before knowing they are infected.

People with whooping cough symptoms should contact their healthcare provider for testing and treatment, such as antibiotics, Clark County Public Health said.

Whooping cough vaccinations are recommended for all babies, children, preteens, and pregnant women. Adults who have never received a Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccine are also advised to get one.

Chickenpox is also highly contagious, Clark County Public Health warned, explaining the disease is mainly spread through close contact with someone who is infected.

Early symptoms include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, headache, and a rash that turns into itchy, fluid-filled blisters. People with chickenpox are contagious one to two days before the rash begins and stay contagious until all their blisters are scabbed.

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