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Trump picks former intel director John Ratcliffe to head the CIA


John Ratcliffe, who served as President-elect Trump's principal intelligence advisor during his first presidential term, has been picked to serve as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency during Trump's second term.

Ratcliffe is one of several appointees announced in the past week who will fill key positions during Trump's second term. 

"From exposing fake Russian collusion to be a Clinton campaign operation, to catching the FBI’s abuse of Civil Liberties at the FISA Court, John Ratcliffe has always been a warrior for Truth and Honesty with the American Public," Trump said in a statement. "When 51 intelligence officials were lying about Hunter Biden’s laptop, there was one, John Ratcliffe, telling the truth to the American People."

Trump honored Ratcliffe in 2020 with the National Security Medal, the highest honor for distinguished achievement in the field of intelligence and national security.


"I look forward to John being the first person ever to serve in both of our Nation’s highest Intelligence positions," said Trump. "He will be a fearless fighter for the Constitutional Rights of all Americans, while ensuring the Highest Levels of National Security, and PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH."

Ratcliffe previously served as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), where he oversaw 17 intelligence agencies, in the final months of Trump's first term. 

In that role, Ratcliffe served as the leader of the U.S. intelligence community and principal intelligence advisor to Trump. Before that, he served in Congress for over five years as the Republican U.S. representative for the 4th Congressional District of Texas, where he was a leading policymaker on national security issues and served on the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees and as Cybersecurity chairman on the Homeland Security Committee, according to his biography.

Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio., chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence said Ratcliffe :knows what it will take to lead the CIA and counter the serious threats posed by China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea."

 "John will play a vital role in protecting the American people, bolstering our national security, and supporting U.S. interests and allies abroad," he said in a statement issued by the committee. "By choosing John, President-elect Trump is taking significant steps to reinforce the United States’ intelligence and security capabilities."

Ratcliffe's profile increased in 2019 as he became an ardent defender of Trump during the House's first impeachment proceedings against him. He was a member of Trump’s impeachment advisory team and strenuously questioned witnesses during the impeachment hearings.

After the Democratic-controlled House voted to impeach Trump, Ratcliffe said: "This is the thinnest, fastest and weakest impeachment our country has ever seen." 

He was also criticized after declassifying Russian intelligence alleging damaging information about Democrats during the 2016 presidential race, despite acknowledging that it might not be true. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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