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Is Yellowstone on Paramount Plus or Peacock? A viewing guide for the final episodes


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Monica Long Dutton (Kelsey Asbille), Tate Dutton (Brecken Merrill), and Kayce Dutton (Luke Grimes) in the second half of Season 5 of "Yellowstone."

Yellowstone has returned for the back half of its long-awaited fifth season, and the series has already shot back into the must-see TV canon thanks to its bombshell mid-season premiere. Watching Yellowstone, however, has proven a bit tricky for those without cable, especially when it comes to streaming new episodes and the show's connection to Paramount Plus and Peacock.

The Western, which follows the modern-day saga of the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch in Montana, airs on the Paramount Network. In the USA, the prequels are on Paramount Plus, and past episodes of Yellowstone (Season 1 to Season 5, Part 1) are on Peacock, but streaming options for Yellowstone Season 5, Part 2 are a different story.

If you've been having trouble finding Yellowstone in the aftermath of its premiere or trying to figure out how to watch it live, we've got you covered. Below, we'll break down all the ins and outs of watching the show and which streaming services you need to watch the latest episodes.

Are new episodes of Yellowstone on Paramount Plus or Peacock?

The short, possibly frustrating answer is that new episodes of Yellowstone aren't on Paramount Plus or Peacock in the US (but Paramount Plus does have the new episodes in Canada and the UK).

The show airs on the Paramount Network, not CBS or Showtime, so Paramount Plus doesn't carry any episodes of Yellowstone. Peacock holds the on-demand streaming rights to Yellowstone, but the service typically doesn't upload new episodes until the season (or half-season) has finished airing. Viewers can currently watch seasons Season 1-4 and the first half of Season 5 on Peacock (so if you're looking to get caught up, you'll need Peacock), but new episodes from 2024 aren't available on the streaming service at the time of writing.

When will new episodes of Yellowstone come to Peacock?

There's no telling when new episodes will arrive on Peacock. The first eight episodes of Yellowstone Season 5 aired from November 13, 2022, to January 1, 2023, but the new episodes didn't become available to stream on Peacock until May 25, 2023. We'll keep this page updated if Peacock makes any announcements, but as of right now, there is no publicly available release date.

What about Paramount Plus?

Yellowstone's prequel counterparts, 1883 and 1923, are both on Paramount Plus in the US. Yellowstone co-creator Taylor Sheridan's other shows, including Mayor of Kingstown, Tulsa King, and Special Ops: Lioness, are also all on Paramount Plus. Additionally, Yellowstone is on Paramount Plus in the UK and Canada, which might be the source of some confusion, in addition to the name similarity between the Paramount Network cable channel and the Paramount Plus streaming service.

So, how do you watch new episodes of Yellowstone?

For the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on viewing new episodes of Yellowstone, check our detailed guide on where to watch Yellowstone. The TLDR is that to watch new episodes of Yellowstone, you'll need to either watch live, DVR the show, have on-demand access through a cable or live TV streaming subscription, or buy new episodes after they air through sites like Prime Video or Apple TV.

If you don't want to get a cable subscription, we recommend trying a low-commitment, month-to-month live TV streaming service like Philo, Sling TV (with the Entertainment Extra add-on), DirecTV Stream, or Fubo. At $28/month, Philo is the cheapest option. All of these options (except for Sling) offer a free trial for new customers. Plus, you can cancel any of these at any time (unless you opt-in for a long-term contract with DirecTV Stream, but the service also offers month-to-month options), so you won't be locked into anything if you choose to cancel after Yellowstone finishes airing on December 15, 2024.

American Yellowstone fans traveling outside the US can use a virtual private network like ExpressVPN to access their usual streaming options from abroad. Virtual private networks, or VPNs, are handy cybersecurity tools that let you change your virtual location so that you can use your go-to websites and apps anywhere. ExpressVPN, our top recommendation, costs $12.95/month (or less, with a long-term contract) and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Note: Using VPNs is illegal in certain countries, and using VPNs to access region-locked streaming content might constitute a breach of the terms of use for certain services. Insider does not endorse or condone the illegal use of VPNs.

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