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Aldi’s sold-out Le Creuset dupes are coming back to stores within days and shoppers can save a huge £965


ALDI shoppers will be racing to get their hands on Aldi’s newest kitchen range.

Sold out before, the new autumn colours of their Le Creuset dupes will let you host guests this Christmas in style.

Aldi has relaunched their Le Creuset dupes[/caption]
Le Creuset
The Cast Iron collection is a fraction of the price of the designer cooking range[/caption]
The orange set looks identical but will save you £965 compared to the original[/caption]

The Aldi Cast Iron Cookware set is coming back to stores on November 24 and we’re sure they’ll sell out again.

This time the range comes in a gorgeous sunburnt orange shade similar to the popular range from Le Creuset called Volcanic as well as a stunning mint green hue.

These bargain deals are designed to be oven safe up to 250 degrees Celsius

The range is suitable for all hob types including induction while the enamel coating makes for easy cleaning and no stubborn stains!

The products are also super budget-friendly coming in at £25 or less.

Cast Iron is a must-have material for cooking as its natural nonstick surface and sturdy nature makes them easy to cook with.

But the perks of the cookware don’t stop there. Some other notable benefits of cooking with cast iron include: holding heat well and being easy to clean.

Aldi’s Cast Iron Dutch Oven 26cm is almost identical to Le Creuset’s which costs £339 – but will save you £314.

Also on offer is the  Shallow Casserole Dish 31cm also for £24.99 – a massive saving compared to the designer brands £305 price tag.

The Cast iron Skillet is suitable for the hob, grill AND oven, creating flavour-packed meals is easy with this versatile pan and costs just £12.99 compared to the £165 Le Creuset version.

The £9.99 Ceramic Roaster is also perfect for making crispy roast potatoes for your Sunday dinner.

It will also save you £155 compared to the designer pick which is £165.

In total, you can grab four versions of the designer kitchenware for just £72.96 – saving you a massive £965.

Kitchen connoisseurs better be quick if they want to get their hands on these cooking essentials as with all Specialbuys, once they’re gone, they’re gone!

When's the best time to shop at Aldi?

WHEN it comes to shopping at Aldi, the best time to do so depends on what you want to buy.

For reduced items – when shops open

Red sticker items are rare at Aldi’s 830 UK stores, but the supermarket says that none of its food goes to waste so there are some to be found – if you’re quick.

A spokesman for the supermarket said: “All items are reduced to 50 per cent of the recommend sales price before stores open on their best before or use by dates.”

That means you have the best chance of finding reduced food items if you go into stores as soon as it opens.

Opening times vary by shop but a majority open from 7am or 8am. You can find your nearest store’s times by using the supermarket’s online shop finder tool.

For Specialbuys – Thursdays and Sundays

Specialbuys are Aldi’s weekly collection of items that it doesn’t normally sell, which can range from pizza ovens to power tools.

New stock comes into stores every Thursday and Sunday, so naturally, these are the best days to visit for the best one-off special deals.

For an even better chance of bagging the best items, head there for your local store’s opening time.

Remember: once they’re gone, they’re gone, so if there’s something you really want, visit as early as possible

And that’s not the only thing Aldi shoppers are racing to grab,

The German-based retailer is offering a dupe of the Greggs Festive Bake for a fraction of the cost.

The Crestwood Festive Bakes found in the freezer section from November 27 are made with chicken, beechwood smoked bacon and cranberries.

They come with a sage and onion sauce which is all wrapped in puff pastry with a parsley and breadcrumb topping.

“Look What’s Back In Aldi!” one excited shopper exclaimed on Facebook after snagging the product early.

“If you see these clear the shelf,” one person said in the comments, tagging a friend.

“They are just as delicious as usual too!!” another said.

For a pack of two weighing 154 grams each, Aldi shoppers can scoop the Greggs dupe for just £1.75, saving them 56% compared to Greggs.

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Собянин рассказал, какие уникальные артефакты нашли археологи на Тверской улице

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