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Sexual abuse scandal leads to resignation of Archbishop of Canterbury


Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the Church of England, resigned on Tuesday following the release of an independent investigation revealing his failure to report sexual abuse within the church to the police.

In a statement, Welby said that stepping down was “in the best interest of the Church of England.”

His resignation came after the Church of England published findings on Thursday regarding John Smyth, a prominent lawyer and Christian activist.

The investigation found that from the 1970s until his death in 2018, Smyth sexually, psychologically, and physically abused approximately 30 boys and young men in the UK and 85 others in Africa.

Initially, Welby avoided accepting responsibility after the report’s release, but public pressure eventually led to his resignation.

In an official statement, Welby acknowledged the need to take personal and institutional responsibility for the prolonged and damaging period from 2013 to 2024.

The investigation revealed that Welby became aware of Smyth’s abuses in August 2013, shortly after his appointment as head of the Church of England, but failed to report the matter to the police.

Researchers indicated that had the issue been reported to authorities at that time, further abuses by Smyth could have been prevented.

Welby explained that he mistakenly believed the police were already handling the case and therefore did not pursue it personally. However, he accepted responsibility for his shortcomings in thoroughly addressing the allegations.

Welby’s resignation underscores the critical importance of accountability and transparency within religious institutions, especially concerning the handling of abuse allegations. It serves as a reminder that leaders must prioritize the safety and well-being of their congregations over institutional reputation.

The Church of England now faces the challenge of rebuilding trust and implementing effective safeguarding measures to prevent future abuses. This situation highlights the necessity for continuous vigilance and reform to protect vulnerable individuals within religious communities.

The post Sexual abuse scandal leads to resignation of Archbishop of Canterbury appeared first on Khaama Press.

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