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All the Married At First Sight couples who SPLIT in explosive show finale – and who made it to final vows


MARRIED At First Sight UK reached its climax last night when the couples were ordered to make a huge decision.

Only four couples made it to the final vows and some have since split.

MAFS UK has aired its final vows after 11 couples took part in the experiment

In the opening week viewers were introduced to brides Holly DitchfieldKristina GoodsellLacey MartinPolly SellmanCharlie CurtisEve ReidRichelle CadeSacha Jones and Emma Barnes.

They were joined by grooms Alex HenryKieran ChampanNathan CampbellAdam NightingaleOrson NurseRoss McCarthy and Caspar Todd.

A few weeks into the experiment they were joined by “invader couples” Hannah Norburn and Stephen NolsonSionainn Carmichael and Ryan Livesey and Amy Kenyon and Luke Debono.

Out of the 11 couples who were paired up on the show, only four made it to the final vows.

Polly and Adam

Polly and Adam made it to their final vows
Polly spilled her heart out to Adam – accusing him of being a liar

Adam left Polly – and viewers – shocked when he quickly confessed that his bride wasn’t his type on thier wedding day.

Despite weeks of stormy rows, bedroom antics, and brutal rejection for Polly, they made it to the end of the experiment and said their final vows.

But Adam didn’t really get a word in, as Polly had a lot to say and she accused him of lying about his feelings throughout the show.

He eventually stormed off, but as he made his exit Polly, dressed in her white wedding dress, yelled after him: “You’re walking away again, you’re a f*****g joke. You’re embarrassing.”

Lacey and Nathan

Nathan put his foot in it almost immediately

Lacey and Nathan committed to one another in their final vows after ending the show on a high.

After a rough patch early on, when Nathan thought he was marrying her sister, and lacked interest on their honeymoon, they appeared to become one of the strongest couples in the experiment.

Despite displaying a picture perfect relationship in the last few weeks of the experiment, Lacey and Nathan have in fact split since the show.

The Sun revealed Lacey and Nathan secretly split off camera.

Our source has told The Sun: “Nathan and Lacey really tried to make their relationship work in the real world but it just fizzled after a while.

“The final vows were filmed in February and they were still going strong in April when the reunion was shot, but since then they have called in quits.

“They were both sad it didn’t work out, but sadly it wasn’t meant to be.

“It’s also a big blow for fans who were really invested in their relationship.”

Amy and Luke

Mafs’ Amy dressed for a funeral as she ‘mourned’ her failed relationship[/caption]
Luke was shocked by her savage vows
Channel 4

Amy was dressed for the occassion when she told Luke their marriage was over.

She ended their relationship in savage fashion in a funeral outfit as she told Luke: “I don’t believe a word that leaves your mouth.

“I know my worth and you aren’t worthy of me. This marriage is done, dead, deceased. I stand here in front of you today wearing black to mourn its death. RIP.”

Luke appeared to cry in a display of emotion, after she accused him of being an actor and fake throughout the experiment.

Sacha and Ross

Ross is said to have dumped Sacha just two weeks after they wrapped filming

The couple endured an emotional roller coaster on the show, arguing over where to live.

Their final vows saw them bringing it up again, and Sacha stormed off in floods of tears.

However, in dramatic scenes he made a U-turn and said he’d move to Walsall to be with her.

Weeks after the experiment ended, Ross left Sacha heartbroken by ending their relationship.

He’s also gone public with a new girlfriend.

Days after completing the TV experiment, Ross dropped the bombshell on Sacha.

His mystery girlfriend has already been revealed as a blonde beauty business owner called Magda.

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Собянин: уникальная инновационная школа открылась в центре «Сколково»


Семья из Пермского края победила в конкурсе Ирины Дубцовой «Главное – Семья»

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