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‘You can’t buy style,’ Venezuela Fury says as she poses up in £1.7m mansion that leaves teenagers green with envy


THE daughter of boxing legend Tyson Fury sparked some envy after she posed in the family’s £1.7 million home.

The 15-year-old showed off her style as she shared snaps of her wardrobe.

Venezuela Fury showed off her personal style as she posed in her family’s £1.7 million mansion[/caption]
The teen influencer told her Instagram followers that money can only buy clothes but not style[/caption]

In a post on Instagram, Venezuela Fury (@venezuelafuryofficial) shared a series of snaps as she posed in front of a gold throne in her home.

The teen paired a white bralette with low-rise baggy light-wash jeans.

She layered the look with a gold sequined cardigan that matched the letter blocking on the jeans.

To complete her outfit, Venezuela wore a pair of metallic gold pointed heels.

“You can buy clothes but you can’t buy style,” she captioned her post.

Instagram users heaped on praise for the look in the comments section.

“Your outfit,” wrote one impressed follower, including a series of love heart eyes emojis.

“Image of your beautiful mama,” said another person.

And Venezeula’s style and glamourous lifestyle has helped her to become one of Britain’s most popular teen influencers.

She has racked up 70,000 Instagram followers and 200,000 on TikTok.

The teen has even been eyed for modelling contracts

Some agencies have even been reported saying Venezuela’s unique style could make her a “millionaire by the time she’s 16.”

The teen, who has already dropped out of school, says she has no interest in pursuing a career and is content to “sit at home.”

However, her social media presence could prove a viable career with the content creator having already developed her own pose.

The teapot stance involves placing one hand on your head and the other on your hip.

Secret meanings behind Paris & Tyson Fury’s unusual kids’ names

The childhood sweethearts are currently proud parents to Venezuela, 13, Prince John James, 11, Prince Tyson II, seven, Valencia Amber, five, Prince Adonis Amaziah, four, Athena, two, and Rico, 11 months.

And their unique monikers have certainly attracted a lot of attention, with many wondering how they came up with them. 

So what are the hidden meanings behind Paris and Tyson’s children’s names – and what ones did they cast aside when making their decisions? 

Starting with the obvious, heavyweight champion boxer Tyson has previously opened up about why he and Paris chose to call all three of their sons Prince as their first name. 

Tyson, fondly known as The Gypsy King, opened up about his thought process during a segment of his 2020 documentary. 

He explained to the cameras: “I’m a King and they’re Princes until they earn their rightful name.”

However, it wasn’t quite as plain sailing as that, as Tyson has also previously revealed that he wanted to call his first-born son a very typical name – but it was vetoed by Paris. 

He confessed: “I wanted to call the boy Patrick but the wife didn’t want it.”

But they both loved the idea of the Prince tradition, choosing that as the boys’ primary moniker, before giving them their own unique second names. 

The eldest of the three – Prince John James – also had another hidden meaning.

According to Babynames, John is of Hebrew origin and means “God is gracious”.

While Prince Tyson II, obviously named after his famous father, inherited the meaning of his name – “ember” or “firebrand.” 

While their third son Prince Adonis Amaziah has links to both Greek mythology and biblical history

Adonis is thought to mean “Lord” while Amaziah represents strong or of strength. 

Meanwhile, the girls have equally distinctive names as their brothers.

Tyson decided on Venezuela – inspired by the country located at the northern end of South America –  and said it was a lightbulb moment that came to him when he was in bed one night.

In an interview with The Guardian, Tyson explained: “One night, while I was sleeping, I thought of Venezuela. My wife is called Paris. I’m Tyson.

“If the girl had a normal name it wouldn’t fit in, would it?” 

So when they welcomed their next daughter, Tyson and Paris decided to continue with the world location theme.

They named their second little girl Valencia Amber, presumably inspired by the Mediterranean city. 

According to the baby name pros at Nameberry, Valencia translates to “brave and strong” . while can be known to mean “fierce”. 

Then, two years ago, along came their current youngest – Athena – which has links to the Greek city of Athens. 

Name experts have shared: “The name Athena is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Goddess Of Wisdom and War.

“The city of Athens, Greece was named after the goddess Athena.”

When it comes to their seventh child, Prince Rico Paris Fury – the tot’s middle name is a tribute to heavyweight champion boxer Tyson‘s late cousin Rico Burton, who was murdered in 2022.

Paris said: “All of my kids have got unusual names and obviously it’s also really personal to Tyson.

“We also added my name because I’ve had seven kids and I still haven’t had one named after me, so Tyson thought, ‘Come on, it’s about time!’”

Their family tradition of naming their sons Prince as a first name, was Tyson’s idea.

The unique pose suggests that Venezuela already owns her own style, which could explain why she’s catching the attention of modelling agencies.

Gemma Howorth, Founder of Body London Model Management is convinced that Venezuela’s “gorgeous” looks and “strong social presence”, could make her a lot of money as a model.

“Venezuela is very young but if correctly managed could really do well with a strong fashion-focused brand like BooHoo and then go on to develop an exciting modelling career,” she said.

Venezuela’s followers are already loving her various looks.

Her snaps rack up tens of thousands of views – with gushing comments about how “stunning” she is, and a “double” of her mother.

The teenager is known for her signature teapot pose, which has helped attract the attention of modelling agencies
Courtesy of Netflix
The Fury family posed in their mansion during a photoshoot promoting their hit Netflix show[/caption]
Andy Kelvin / Kelvin Media
The Fury family’s current mansion in Morecambe is featured in their hit Netflix show At Home With the Furys[/caption]

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