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Child, 9, among kids investigated by cops for hate incidents after calling classmate a ‘r****d’


CHILDREN as young as nine are among thousands of Brits being investigated by cops for hate incidents.

One youngster, just nine years old, was clocked for calling a primary school classmate a “r*****d”, it has been reported.

A child as young as nine was included in police NCHI records (stock image)[/caption]
Cops probe NCHI’s where there is a risk of ‘significant harm or a criminal offence’[/caption]

And two secondary school aged girls were recorded for saying a fellow pupil smelt “like fish”, The Times reports.

Freedom of information requests made by the paper revealed how British cops are recording cases of children committing non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs).

It also found widespread confusion in police ranks about which incidents qualify.

Over 13,2000 NCHIs were recorded in just a year from June 2023 to June 2024, across 45 of the UK’s 48 forces.

The events are supposed to be noted by cops when “clearly motivated by intentional hostility” or if there is risk “causing significant harm or a criminal offence”, the Government said.

They added that classroom antics which don’t amount to crime should not be recorded.

Critics have slammed the use of police resources for such incidents – with some calling for the protection of free speech.

The Free Speech Union has said it amounts to “thought policing”.

NCHIs can show up on enhanced criminal record checks – with a code of practice last year suggesting those logged inside schools should be passed onto internal management instead of police.

Humberside cops – which has recorded incidents against children – insisted such moves are only made “where appropriate”.

It comes after police showed up at the door of Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson’s home to question her about an NCHI.

She said cops claimed she had “stirred up racial hatred” in a now-deleted X post – but could not tell her what she had said on the platform.

Essex Police confirmed they called at Ms Pearson’s house and she was invited to a voluntary interview.

Downing Street hit back at NCHI backlash on Thursday evening – saying “It’s important that the police can capture data relating to non-crime hate incidents where it is proportionate and necessary to do so to help prevent serious crimes which may later occur.”

But Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s spokesman said that the Home office would review policies while considering “the fundamental right to free speech”.

Shadow home secretary and ex policing minister Chris Philp said: “These examples are obviously totally absurd.

“Pursuing these sorts of incidents is a total waste of police time — they should be concentrating on criminals.

“It risks having a chilling effect on free speech, one of the fundamental values of this country.

“Police should only record incidents where there is a clear and genuine risk that the behaviour in question could lead to an actual crime being committed.”

Speaking on the controversial policy and the probe into Pearson – Reform UK’s Nigel Farage has said: “This is Orwellian in the extreme. I’m appalled.”

Billionaire X boss Elon Musk said on X: “This needs to stop.”

And former PM Boris Johnson said police who had their hands full were “being forced to behave like a woke Securitate”.

It comes after cops turned up to Telegraph journalist Allison Pearson’s home to question her on an NCHI

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