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Liverpool star entangled in scandal as lawsuit filed against him


Liverpool midfielder Alexis Mac Allister is facing a legal situation that has captured significant attention off-the-pitch.

The 25-year-old Argentine international, who plays a key role for both Liverpool and the Argentina national team, is reportedly facing a lawsuit filed by Mayan over unresolved financial matters from their past relationship, according to The Mirror.

Mayan, a model and social media influencer, has filed for financial compensation related to the five years they spent together.

The legal action comes two years after their split, which was reportedly triggered by Mac Allister leaving Mayan for her friend, Ailén Cova, who is now his current girlfriend.

Ahead of Argentina’s match against Paraguay during the ongoing international break, Mac Allister spoke about the ongoing situation. He acknowledged that their relationship had reached a clear conclusion and emphasised that the case is now being addressed through appropriate legal avenues.

The former Brighton midfielder mentioned that the choice to pursue legal action was hers, which she is entitled to, and pointed out that their differences had been discussed at the time of their breakup. He reiterated his commitment to handling the matter through the legal process.

He said:

“There was no more relationship. She took her path, I took mine, and that’s it.”

“As for the other thing (lawsuit), everything is in court, where it should be, and we are waiting. At the time we discussed what we needed to discuss, but it was clearly her decision. Everything is fine, and she is within her rights.”

Alexis Mac Allister has been an incredible signing for Liverpool. (Photo by Naomi Baker/Getty Images)

Alexis Mac Allister has been a revelation at Liverpool

Since joining Liverpool in June last year, M(Photo by Michael Regan/Getty Images)ac Allister’s time at Anfield has been marked by both incredible performances. He was signed on a five-year deal for a bargain fee of £35 million, which could rise to £55 million with add-ons, and quickly became a key part of the squad.

Last season, he made 46 appearances across all competitions, netting 7 goals and providing 7 assists.

The team currently sits top of the Premier League table as well as the Champions League table. As Mac Allister faces this legal challenge, Liverpool fans will be hoping the midfielder can maintain his focus on the pitch. With Liverpool competing for top honours this season, his continued contributions remain crucial to the team’s success.

The post Liverpool star entangled in scandal as lawsuit filed against him appeared first on CaughtOffside.

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