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Davina McCall undergoes brain surgery for ‘very rare’ tumour as she begs fans ‘say a prayer for me’


DAVINA McCall has revealed she has a brain tumour as she asked for prayers before she undergoes surgery.

Fans have rushed to share their support for the TV legend, 57, after she revealed she will have a major operation to get the 14mm benign tumour removed.

Davina McCall revealed she has a brain tumour in a video on social media
The Masked Singer judge said she was offered a scan relating to the menopause when it was discovered[/caption]
Davina has regularly wowed fans with her lust for life[/caption]
The telly star has been at peak fitness over the past ten years after turning to exercise[/caption]

Davina broke the news to her followers in a video on Instagram, saying: “A few months ago, I did a menopause talk for a company and they offered me a health scan in return, which I thought I was gonna ace.

“But it turned out I had a benign brain tumour called a colloid cyst which is very rare.

“Three in a million. So I slightly put my head in the sand.”

The Long Lost Family host added in the emotional clip: “I saw quite a few neurosurgeons, I got lots of opinions and I realised that I have to get it taken out.”

She continued: “It’s big for the space. It fills the space. It’s 14mm wide and it needs to come out, because if it grows, it would be bad.

“So I’m having it removed via a craniotomy.

“They go through the top of my head here and through the two halves of my brain to the middle, and get the cyst, take it out, empty it, take it out and Bob’s your uncle.”

The Masked Singer judge added that she was in “good spirits” but also asked fans for their support, saying: “So say a prayer for me.”

Davina’s partner, hairdresser Michael Douglas, appeared in the video alongside her and also revealed she will be taking time away from work and social media.

He wrote in the caption to her post: “Hey everyone. Michael here. @davinamccall will be off grid for a bit while she recovers from this brain operation.

“She is in great shape and in very good hands.”

Michael went on: “I’ll I do the odd update from her account here for anyone interested.

“I’m sure she’ll read all the comments when she’s able to so feel free to send love [heart emoji] .

“The support of people is amazingly powerful. Have a great day everyone. Michael xxx”

Davina’s Big Brother co-star Rylan was one of the first to respond to her video, writing: “You gorgeous woman. Sending every ounce of love xx.”

Fellow TV star Lisa Fauklner said: “Sending all my love to you. Best wishes and all positive prayers for a speedy recovery.”

Davina has been loved up with Michael since 2019.

The presenter’s first marriage was to shop manager, Andrew Leggett, in 1997.

The couple got hitched after a whirlwind romance.

In one of the very few interviews she’s given about her ex, Davina said she realised pretty soon into that she’d made a mistake.

The relationship lasted just three months, and not much else is known about him.

She said at the time: “I fell madly in love, but it was wrong, so I got out quick.

“I won’t talk about it because he’s not a celebrity and it’s not fair on him.”

Davina and her boyfriend Michael[/caption]

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