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I’ve had 10 kids in seven years – now I’m expecting my FOURTH set of twins, we spend £2K a month on food but won’t stop


A MUM-OF-10 revealed that she is currently expecting her fourth set of twins.

The woman, who homeschools all her children, said she has never undergone fertility treatment.

TikTok user Amanda Sellers revealed that she is expecting her fourth set of twins[/caption]

In her viral video, TikTok user Amanda Sellers (@thesellersdozen) shared her excitement over the new additions to her family.

All the children are aged eight or under and the family’s grocery bill is around £2,000 per month.

She explained that all her sets of fraternal twins have occurred “naturally.”

Unfortunately, the family did lose one of the twins from their third set in utero.

Amanda said that carrying her fourth set has brought back some tough memories but shared her relief at finding out both babies are healthy and strong.

The family have a lot of support, with the children’s grandfather working remotely alongside their dad.

Amanda explained that her dad rents their basement to use as office space, providing her family with an additional source of income.

She revealed that she has also put her years of experience with breast-feeding towards a certification in lactation consultancy.

The busy mum also homeschools all the kids, encouraging the younger ones to learn from their older siblings.

The family owns a 15-passenger transit van, allowing them to travel together rather than in separate cars.

And while they receive a lot of support from friends and family, not everyone is as accepting of their lifestyle.

TikTok users shared their thoughts on the large family in the comments section.

“[You’re] going to have to buy a school bus soon,” wrote one follower.

“Do you have a TV at home?” joked another viewer.

“How about ‘Enough’ and ‘Already,'” suggested one person when the couple asked for baby name suggestions.

Statistics on having twins

One in every 60 UK births are twins, triplets or more.

While fraternal twins are more common than identical twins, a mum’s odds of having them are much higher if they’ve already had a set.

The likeliness of having a three sets of fraternal twins is 1 in 88,000.

A woman is more likely to have twins if she has previously undergone IVF treatments, is over 35, or has a family history of twins.

On the other hand, lots of viewers showed their support for the family.

“What in the Cheaper By The Dozen? Love this!” commented one follower.

“This is amazing and beautiful! Congratulations on your beautiful family!” said another person.

“You have an awesome family, [you’ve] been sooooo blessed,” wrote one TikTok user.

“God bless you and your family. That’s beautiful!!” commented another viewer.

The mum-of-10 shared her excitement to welcome her next two children to the family

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