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Tech group presses Trump to review AI regulations


A tech lobbying group called on President-elect Trump and his team to ensure the U.S. maintains leadership in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) as it crafts the incoming regulations and policy on the advancing technology.

The Software Alliance — also known as BSA — argued in a letter to Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance that U.S. policy must "harness and promote AI innovation" and can do so through clear and enforceable rules.

The group, which represents OpenAI, Microsoft, and Adobe, among other leading tech companies, encouraged the incoming administration to review current policy and identify laws and regulations that "may be unnecessarily impeding AI adoption" in an effort to avoid uncertainty in the industry.

BSA recommended keeping parts of the Biden administration's AI policies while updating a White House Office of Budget and Management memo to bolster risk management of the technology.

"Trust that AI will be designed and deployed responsibly and confidence that authorities can apply existing legal protections are essential factors in its adoption," the letter stated. "As AI is integrated into business and government processes that have consequential impacts on people— such as their ability to obtain access to credit, housing, or employment — it is imperative that laws keep pace with the evolution of technology."

Trump and Vance were also implored to continue global conversations on international AI standards and work with Congress on legislation that addresses both the technology's risks and capabilities.

Trump has offered few specifics over his plans for AI, though he has pledged to repeal President Biden's executive order on AI, which laid out new safety standards for the federal government and companies with the most powerful artificial intelligence systems. It also led to the creation of the AI Safety Institute at the Commerce Department, which focuses of advancing research on the topic.

“We will repeal Joe Biden’s dangerous Executive Order that hinders AI innovation and imposes Radical Leftwing ideas on the development of this technology,” the Republican Party wrote in its policy platform in July. “In its place, Republicans support AI Development rooted in Free Speech and Human Flourishing.”  

Industry members told The Hill earlier this week they believe Trump could cutback regulation and federal funding to stay ahead of China's development. Deregulation was a key focus of Trump’s first term, and he has indicated he plans to continue the approach in his second term.  

Earlier this week, he announced the creation of a panel called the "Department of Government Efficiency" that will focus on slashing government spending and restructuring federal agencies. It will be spearheaded by tech entrepreneurs Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.

For his part, Musk, the owner of the social platform X and AI firm xAI, is a heavy proponent of the emerging technology, but has also expressed the support of some regulatory measures.

The letter also called for the incoming administration to maximize the data available for training AI models and continue investments in research and development. It also laid out recommendations for privacy, international data, supply-chain, intellectual property, procurement and cybersecurity policies.

The Hill reached out to Trump's team for comment.

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