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Ex-Man Utd ace Roy Keane declares WAR on his noisy neighbours who use their leaf blowers before 8am


ROY Keane has declared war on his noisy neighbours after one of them used a leaf blower before 8am.

The fiery former Manchester United ace is no stranger to confrontation following his glittering 26-year career which saw him handed 13 red cards.

Roy Keane has declared war on his noisy neighbours who use their leaf blowers before 8am[/caption]
He heard one of the machines being used in the leafy area of Altrincham, Cheshire[/caption]
The Irishman, 53, was appearing on The Overlap
Trafford council advises that noisy building work should not start before 7.30am on a weekday[/caption]

And despite calming since he became a TV pundit, he revealed a local has annoyed him by using the noisy power tool to tidy up the garden.

Roy, 53, told pals Gary Neville, Ian Wright and Jill Scott how he was walking his dog after fireworks night at 7.15am when he heard one of the machines being used in the leafy area of Altrincham, Cheshire, where he lives.

After calling for fireworks to be banned because they scare dogs, the Irishman, who was appearing on The Overlap continued: “Do you know what else should be banned?

“I took my dog out this morning at 7.15 and where I live and someone is on the blower with the leaves at quarter past seven in the morning.

“It’s a disgrace. I think it should be banned.”

Jill Scott joked: “Do you think they should just leave them?”

Roy responded: “I was gonna go over and say ‘people are in bed!'”

He continued his rant saying: “You’re not allowed to use them. It’s 8 o’clock.”

Gas powered leaf blowers can reach between 80 and 90 decibels.

85dB is considered damaging to human hearing and any noise exceeding 70 dB considered too loud for residential environments.

Trafford council, where Keane lives, advises that noisy building work should not start before 7.30am on a weekday and 8am at weekends.

During Keane’s time at Old Trafford, Sir Alex Ferguson famously labelled City a “noisy neighbour” in 2009 when United came out on top 3-2 in a thrilling derby.

He said at the time: “Sometimes you have a noisy neighbour. You cannot do anything about that. They will always be noisy.

“You just have to get on with your life, put your television on and turn it up a bit louder.”

It comes after Keane blasted Alejandro Garnacho for his refusal to celebrate his goal against Leicester.

The winger was on the end of criticism from a Manchester United fan outside of Old Trafford before the Europa League clash against PAOK.

Appearing on the Stick to Football podcast, brought to you by Sky Bet, Keane and co were asked: “What advice would you give to young players when they get hassled by their own fans?”

In response, Keane fumed: “If you can’t celebrate a goal, there is something drastically wrong with this game.

“Whatever has gone on off the pitch for any player – it could be family stuff – you work all week, you’re playing the game to score a goal.

“When you score a goal, there should be nothing else on your mind.

“You’ve got fans who have travelled, paid fortunes to get there, and he’s on about people having a go at him.”

Alejandro Garnacho had a muted celebration after scoring against Leicester in Man Utd’s 3-0 win[/caption]
Keane had a passionate response to the lack of celebration
It sparked a passionate debate between himself and Ian Wright

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