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Not Kylian Mbappe, Vinicius, nor Carlo Ancelotti: Real Madrid reportedly identify current main issue at club

In a season riddled with unexpected challenges, Real Madrid finds itself under scrutiny not for player performances or coaching tactics but for an unlikely source—fitness management.

In a season riddled with unexpected challenges, Real Madrid finds itself under scrutiny not for player performances or coaching tactics but for an unlikely source—fitness management. Despite maintaining their resilience on the field, an internal crisis has emerged, with fingers pointing at a figure who has long been considered integral to the club’s success: fitness coach Antonio Pintus.

Known affectionately as “The Sergeant” for his rigorous fitness programs, Pintus has built a reputation as a master architect of physical conditioning. However, the club’s mounting injury woes and murmurs of discontent among players and staff have raised questions about whether his methods are still effective in the modern era.

Since the start of the 2023-24 season, Real Madrid has suffered an unprecedented injury crisis. According to recent reports, 25 injuries have been recorded, impacting key players like Vinicius, Jude Bellingham, Eduardo Camavinga, and Eder Militao. The latter’s devastating ACL tear during a match against Osasuna has sidelined him for the entire season.

These injuries have stretched the squad thin, forcing coach Carlo Ancelotti to adapt and rotate his lineup frequently. Yet, despite the team’s ability to remain competitive—they sit just three points behind Barcelona in La Liga and have staged dramatic comebacks in the Champions League—the growing list of sidelined players has fueled frustrations internally.

A recent report by The Athletic highlighted that 17 players have already faced injury setbacks this season. While fitness issues are not uncommon for a club competing on multiple fronts, the sheer volume of injuries has raised alarm bells within the club’s hierarchy.

Spotlight on Pintus

Antonio Pintus, a celebrated figure in Real Madrid’s golden era, is now facing questions about his methods. Having played a crucial role in the club’s Champions League successes under Zinedine Zidane, Pintus returned in 2021 at the request of Carlo Ancelotti. His meticulous and intense training regimes earned him accolades, including public praise from Luka Modric, who once credited the Italian’s programs for Los Blancos’ resilience during their 2022 Champions League triumph.

However, the tide has turned. Players and staff reportedly feel that Pintus’s methods, while effective in the past, may now be outdated and excessively demanding for modern football. Relevo reports that some within the club view him as “a coach of athletes,” suggesting that his programs prioritize physical output over soccer-specific conditioning.

This perception has sparked debates over whether his training methods are contributing to the injury crisis. Critics point out that some exercises in Pintus’ routines are “not particularly suited for football,” potentially making players more susceptible to physical setbacks.

Dissension within squad?

The dissatisfaction extends to the dressing room, where some players have grown skeptical of the 62-year-old’s methods. Despite the coach’s undeniable track record, there is a sense that his approach no longer aligns with the demands of the current football landscape, which features grueling schedules and heightened physical expectations.

The Athletic adds that even Carlo Ancelotti’s relationship with Pintus has reportedly cooled. The Italian manager is said to have expressed concerns about the fitness coach’s reluctance to take responsibility for player recovery. This has added to the tension within the coaching staff, with some members questioning the emphasis placed on physical metrics like distance covered during matches.

Amid the growing scrutiny, Pintus still enjoys the unwavering support of club president Florentino Perez. This loyalty stems from his proven contributions to Real Madrid’s successes over the years. However, with mounting pressure from players and staff, Perez’s stance may soon face challenges.

The coming weeks will be pivotal. If the injury crisis persists, the reigning La Liga champions may have to reevaluate its reliance on Pintus’ methods. While his past achievements cannot be ignored, the current situation underscores the need for adaptability in a rapidly evolving sport.

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