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Mystery of perfectly circular uninhabited island ‘The Eye’ that SPINS – and no one knows why


A MYSTERIOUS spinning island shaped like a perfect circle has left explorers baffled for years.

Known as “The Eye” the uninhabited patch of overgrown vegetation floats around a crystal clear lake in Argentina slowly moving each day.

Argentina Government
A mysterious spinning island shaped like a perfect circle has left explorers baffled for years[/caption]
Known as ‘The Eye’ the uninhabited patch of overgrown vegetation floats around a crystal clear lake in Argentina slowly moving each day.[/caption]

The bizarre natural phenomenon sits in the swampy river of Parana Delta in Buenos Aires and it has left many experts stumped over why or how it moves so freely.

Those lucky enough to have travelled to the island say it is almost a perfect circle due to the movement of the land mass.

Overtime the corners of the lake have managed to rub against the island as it moves and eroded itself into 360 degree smooth outlines.

Incredible aerial footage shows the 387ft spherical island, known locally as El Ojo, surrounded by a crescent of water.

Famed Argentinian documentary director Sergio Neuspiller travelled to the Parana river and as he flew over El Ojo noticed the unbelievable shape below.

After landing the helicopter nearby Neuspiller took off on a journey to find the magical island.

Once at the exact spot he climbed onto the floating disc and waded through the vegetation.

He told El Observador about the trip and said he was blown away by the beauty of the island and the lake it was floating on.

Neuspiller said: “We found the perfect circle, as seen from the air.

“The water looked black but in reality it was completely transparent water, something that is almost impossible to find in the Delta.”

He revealed that the bottom of the lake was made up of earthy ground making it appear dark from afar.

It is also remarkably cold which is a stark contrast to most lakes in the area which are typically warm.

The leading reason as to why the island floats is due to a natural process that sees water currents slowly shape and rotate the island in strong currents.

A few other shocking theories suggest it may have belonged to an ancient civilisation.

Or a more bizarre theory that claims the incomprehensible perfection and isolated location may be linked to extraterrestrial life.

Some say El Ojo could be a hidden UFO base but so far no evidence has backed this up.

It comes as another spot hidden away from the outside world sits a Soviet-era Atlantis counting its days before it collapses into the sea.

Sitting in the Caspian Sea off the coast of Azerbaijan, Neft Dashlari – ‘Oil Rocks’ – is a sprawling network of artificial islands that was built by Joseph Stalin to meet USSR‘s growing oil demands.

Said to be the biggest and oldest offshore oil mining rig in the world, the crusty mega site stands on pillars mounted on the carcasses of sunken ships.

The artificial archipelago was built In 1949 as part of a Stalin-led five-year plan after Soviet engineers found huge stocks of black gold thousands of feet beneath the sea.

Argentina Government
The Eye is surrounded by overgrown vegetation[/caption]
The island is said to move around creating a natural phenomenon[/caption]

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