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Sunnyvale officer union raises alarm at increase in local crime rates


With its numerous flourishing high-tech companies and affluent neighborhoods, Sunnyvale has long been one of the safest cities in the South Bay.

But an increase in local crimes over the years has officers urging the city to be more transparent about crime statistics and make public safety more of a priority.

Violent crimes in Sunnyvale increased by 15.6% from 2022 to 2023 and 59% over a ten-year period, according to OpenJustice, a public crime database run by the state’s Department of Justice.  In recent months, the Sunnyvale Public Safety Officers Association (PSOA), which represents more than 200 public safety officers, have published these statistics, along with others, to their social media account in hopes of making the information more known. It’s an initiative that association president Devon Klein believes the city’s Public Safety Department should be taking as well.

“If we don’t share this information, then the community is just left in the dark,” Klein said. “Refusing to look at and acknowledge the data is a disservice to our community and officers.”

More specifically, the number of robberies in the city increased by 34% over the last decade, along with aggravated assaults by 76% and rape by 45%, the database reveals. Also between 2022 and 2023, firearms used in robberies skyrocketed 70%, and rose by 58% for aggravated assaults.

But City Spokesperson Jennifer Garnett said staff will need time to verify the statistics shared from the PSOA, as Sunnyvale began collecting its own crime data in 2021 under state law. The city’s reporting methodology counts crimes differently and in much greater detail, Garnett said, and long-term trend data is more difficult to compare. According to city data, however, violent crimes did increase by 52% between 2011 to 2020.

Garnett said the city is taking these concerns raised by the association “very seriously.” and are closely monitoring crime rates and addressing any increases. The city is committed to being transparent about and sharing data, Garnett said, as there are several sources on the city’s website, including public safety accountability data, crime statistics and a crime map.

“Our highest priority is to ensure the safety of our community,” Garnett said. “And we encourage everyone to engage with us and actively participate in crime prevention efforts.”

Klein said the association wants the city to take analyze factors contributing to the increase in crime and figure out how the Public Safety Department can increase their resources, including adding more officers and units. Klein’s concerns come at a time when current emergency response times and calls for service are increasing. Sunnyvale, which has a population of around 151,967 residents, has 205 police officers who are also trained in EMS and fire response.

“We want to educate, not alarm,” Klein said. “We’re not trying to cause hysteria, but we want to start a conversation on how to ensure that we remain a safe community for all.”

Meanwhile, OpenJustice reveals that surrounding large cities like San Jose experienced a 3.6% decrease in violent crimes from 2022 to 2023, and an increase of 49% over the last ten years. Santa Clara saw a 33% decrease between 2022 and 2023 and a 64% increase in the last ten.

Some notable crimes in Sunnyvale this year include a June robbery of an El Camino Real jewelry store, in which 20 people broke into the store, smashed the display cases and ran out with armfuls of jewelry. Officers had arrested five people on suspicion of numerous offenses, including armed robbery, felony vehicle evasion, resisting arrest and vandalism. Two other smash-and-grab incidents also took place earlier this year at Sunnyvale-based jewelry stores.

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