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You won't believe how many early Black Friday kitchen deals dropped this week


Shop Le Cruset, Ninja, and more ahead of Black Friday. Check out our top picks:

Best kitchen deals ahead of Black Friday

Best cookware deal

Best air fryer deal

Black Friday is nearly here (again!), and retailers have made it very clear that they’re not waiting until the traditional shopping holiday to roll out their biggest deals. We’ve noticed a flurry of early Black Friday promotions in the kitchen and home goods space, with savings on everything from high-end cookware to small appliances — and we’re only halfway through November.

With Best Buy, Target, and Walmart already offering price cuts on popular brands like Instant Pot, Ninja, and more, it's a great time to get online and score a deal.

Black Friday deals are popping up earlier than ever, making it easier to get your hands on high-end brands for less

We’re not just seeing deals on the typical Black Friday suspects, either. Premium brands like Le Creuset, All-Clad, and Café are also getting in on the early Black Friday action, discounting their wares weeks before the big day.

Below, we’re tracking the best kitchen deals ahead of Black Friday. Deals are organized by brand, and all deals within each category are ordered by price from the most affordable to the most expensive.

We’ll be updating this list in the days leading up to Black Friday week, so be sure to bookmark this page and check back for more offers.

Best kitchen deal ahead of Black Friday

Why we like it

So many retailers are offering Black Friday deals right now, but it’s hard to know what’s a good deal and what isn’t when marketers play fast and loose with the term "Black Friday" all month long. That’s why we’re here, though — to help you decipher the real bargains from the inflated list prices (something Amazon’s notorious for).

One of the best early Black Friday kitchen deals we’ve seen is the GreenPan Reserve Ceramic Nonstick 10-Piece Cookware Set (Cream). Yes, you can get it for $399.99 on the GreenPan site, but if you hop over to Kohl’s, you can get it for $399.99 with $60 in Kohl’s cash. That’s basically a $210 discount on a high-quality cookware set that normally retails around $549.99. (From Nov. 11 to Nov. 21, Kohl’s is giving a $10 Kohl’s cash coupon for every $50 spent across the store, which is why the discount math works out this way.)

This cookware set includes an eight-inch frying pan, an 11-inch frying pan, a two-quart saucepan with a lid, a three-quart saucepan with a lid, a three-and-one-half-quart saute pan with a lid, and a five-quart stockpot with a lid. Each piece is made with a diamond-infused ceramic nonstick coating free of PFAS and PFOAs (aka forever chemicals). They’re also oven-safe up to 600˚F (lids up to 425˚F).

Even more early Black Friday kitchen deals

Here are the best early Black Friday kitchen deals across a selection of popular and well-known kitchen brands, including Instant Pot, KitchenAid, Nespresso, Ninja, and more:




Instant Pot

Le Cruset

Bonus deal: Get a free utensil crock with a $250 purchase with code THANKSGIVING.



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