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How to watch Italy vs. France in the UEFA Nations League online for free


TL;DR: Live stream Italy vs. France in the UEFA Nations League for free on RaiPlay. Access this free streaming site from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

The UEFA Nations League isn't the most exciting competition, but it does bring together some of the biggest and best international sides in the world. It doesn't have the drama or tension of the World Cup or European Championships, but seeing Italy take on France is something all fans can appreciate.

If you want to watch Italy vs. France in the UEFA Nations League for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

When is Italy vs. France?

Italy vs. France in the UEFA Nations League kicks off at 7:45 p.m. GMT on Nov. 17. This fixture takes place at the San Siro.

How to watch Italy vs. France for free

Italy vs. France in the UEFA Nations League is available to live stream for free on RaiPlay in Italy.

If you're abroad for this fixture, you might need to use a VPN to unblock RaiPlay. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in Italy, meaning you can access free live streams on RaiPlay from anywhere in the world.

Access a free live stream of Italy vs. France by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in Italy

  4. Visit RaiPlay

  5. Live stream Italy vs. France for free from anywhere in the world

Credit: ExpressVPN
ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free)
$99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee)

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but most do offer free-trials or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can watch Italy vs. France in the UEFA Nations League without actually spending anything. This clearly isn't a long-term solution, but it does give you enough time to stream select UEFA Nations League fixtures before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for RaiPlay?

ExpressVPN is the best choice for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream live sport on RaiPlay, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including Italy

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds free from throttling

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Stream Italy vs. France in the UEFA Nations League for free with ExpressVPN.

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