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Liverpool wonderkid reacts to stunning Player of the Match international performance


Ben Doak has reacted to his stunning performance against Croatia for Scotland in the Uefa Nations League. 

Still only 19 years old, Doak is currently on loan at Championship side Middlesbrough and has registered one goal and three assists in 10 second-tier appearances so far this season.

However, he’s highly thought by both Liverpool and Scotland and on Friday, played almost the entirety of his nation’s 1-0 win over Croatia in Uefa Nations League A.

Doak — who now has five senior caps to his name — went head-to-head with Manchester City full-back Josko Gvardiol, while the likes of Luka Modric and Mateo Kovacic were in the Croatian line-up.

But the teenager wasn’t overawed, attempting four dribbles and completing two, while creating two chances and having six touches in the opposition box.

And it was Doak’s 86th-minute ball across goal that was parried into the path of John McGinn, who fired home to deliver a shock win for the Scots — ending a run of eight matches without a victory.

Ben Doak reacts to stunning Scotland performance

Ben Doak was on fire against Croatia. (Photo by Euan Cherry/Getty Images)

Doak’s performance was enough to earn him the Player of the Match award, which is incredible given the level of opponent he was up against.

But Doak was interested in who he was playing. Instead, he kept focused on the task at hand.

“Before the game, there was a bit of butterflies, a bit of nerves,” said Doak (via Liverpool’s official website). “But once you’re on the pitch, I don’t know if it’s the same for everyone else but I don’t see names or faces.

“I just see another team there to try to beat us so we need to go and try to beat them. When I’m on the ball I don’t notice who I’m against, it’s just a kit. That’s all I see. So, I just try to do my best.”

On the standing ovation he got from the Hampden crowd when he came off toward the end, Doak added: “I just thought they did that for every sub!”

“It’s nice getting a round of applause but I don’t really look too much into that. If it was a wee bit extra then great, I really appreciate the support of all the fans.”

Scotland have found it tough in Nations League A, losing their first three matches against Poland, Portugal and Poland.

However, the Tartan Army managed a 0-0 draw at home to Portugal in October and backed that up with a win against Croatia.

That means another win for Scotland in their final match away in Poland on Monday would see them avoid automatic relegation to League B, instead going into the playoffs.

A defeat for Croatia against Portugal and a three-goal swing could even see Scotland join the likes of France, Germany and Spain in the finals tournament.

The post Liverpool wonderkid reacts to stunning Player of the Match international performance appeared first on CaughtOffside.

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