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Davina McCall health update after star put in ICU following brain surgery for ‘very rare’ tumour


DAVINA McCall has issued a health update after the star was put in ICU following brain surgery for a ‘very rare’ tumour.

The presenter was diagnosed with a benign but very rare tumour purely by chance after being offered a scan a few months ago.

The star has undergone brain surgery[/caption]

Posting on Instagram, her boyfriend Michael said: “Update- Mega progress these last 24 hours.

“Massive relief to see some light breaking through. Thanks for all the good vibes coming in from all angles. Up and Up.”

He added: “Thanks so much to all the well wishers. She really has made an enormous leap forward in the last 24 hours.

“She is out of ICU. She is “loving awareness”. Thank you xx – Michael.”

Davina had said the 14mm growth was a rare colloid cyst, with a “three in a million” chance of having one.

NHS guidelines suggest it can take six weeks for a full recovery.

It comes as experts say more people are being diagnosed with Davina’s extremely rare brain tumour type due to advances in testing.

Brain Tumour Research said the three in a million people found with a colloid cyst each year is rising thanks to MRI and CT scans.

Colloid cysts form in the embryo and go unnoticed until symptoms such as memory loss or headaches begin to show.

Continued growth can cause a build up of fluid in the brain, which can be life-threatening and requires urgent surgery.

Brain Tumour Research boss Dr Karen Noble said: “Colloid cysts are thought to be rare, with around 255 people in the UK diagnosed each year.

“Diagnosis is increasing due to widespread use of MRI and CT scans, as in Davina’s case.”

She added: “Early diagnosis is key to a positive long-term prognosis.”

Brave Davina will continue with her weekly podcast despite being in recovery from brain surgery.

The TV host, 57, launched the new show Begin Again last month and was “adamant” finding the tumour would not halt its progress.

Before undergoing the six-hour procedure to remove the growth, Davina pre-recorded an entire series of hour-long interviews to ensure the podcast could air whilst she convalesces.

Since it launched on October 9, celebrities including Ferne Cotton, Paloma Faith and Paul C Brunson have featured on Begin Again, which Davina says aims to “empower people to embrace midlife as their most transformative era yet”.

The former Big Brother host is next due on telly with The Masked Singer, which will air a Christmas special and then a full series – but was also pre-recorded in September.

Symptoms of a benign brain tumour

A benign brain tumour is a mass of cells that grows relatively slowly in the brain.

Benign means it in not cancerous.

Non-cancerous brain tumours tend to stay in one place and do not spread.

Some slow-growing tumours may not cause any symptoms at first.

When symptoms occur, it’s because the tumour is putting pressure on the brain and preventing a specific area of the brain from working properly.

As the tumour grows and increases pressure in the skull, you might experience:

  1. New, persistent headaches that are sometimes worse in the morning or when bending over or coughing
  2. Feeling sick all the time
  3. Drowsiness
  4. Vision problems, such as blurred or double vision, loss of part of your visual field and temporary vision loss
  5. Epileptic seizures that may affect the whole body, or you may just have a twitch in one area

See a GP if you develop any of these symptoms.

They’ll examine you and ask about your symptoms.

If they suspect you may have a tumour or are not sure what’s causing your symptoms, they may refer you to a brain and nerve specialist for further investigation.

Source: NHS

Davina’s boyfriend Michael posted this update

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