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‘This video gonna help someone win a case’: Walmart shopper can’t believe what he caught store using as makeshift shelf holder in chip section


A Walmart customer's discovery about its shelves has TikTok in shambles.

In a viral video with over 28,500 views as of Monday, user @guild.tv shared the discovery with viewers.

Allegedly, the store used its own goods to hold up shelves.

"The beanzzzz holding the shelf up in Walmart," text overlaid on the clip read.

Walmart unstable shelves

In the video, the TikToker captures what appears to be unstable shelves in the chips aisle.

The man explains that the store is using beans to hold up its shelves.

He zooms in on several different items that appear to be used to stabilize the shelf.

"Bro, they got the beans holding up the shelf," she said while recording.

To show that the beans were literally being used as the shelf's support, he demonstrates what happens when he tries to pull out one of the cans.

"Oh [expletive]!" he exclaims when the shelf almost comes crashing down.

Walmart's shelves recently trended on the TikTok, but for another reason. One woman's viral post revealed an easy way to get heavy items down from the back of high shelves.

Another customer went viral after calling out the store for having moldy cheese stocked on its shelves.

Viewers respond

In the comments section, many shared their own experiences with Walmart's faulty shelves.

"This was my store too before the remodel," one user said.

"Literally my Walmart," another wrote.

@guild.tv The beanzzzzzz #beanz #walmart #fyp #fy #foryou #foryoupage #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #walmart #walmartfinds #fypage #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp ♬ original sound - Guild.tv

"I saw them put salsa there once. Asked one of the leads that happened to be there & he was like, 'yup, that's how we do it.' with no shame haha," another echoed.

Former alleged Walmart workers in the comments section also confirmed they used similar hacks.

"I used to use pennys to hold the shelf balanced when I was an overnight stocker," a user said.

"As a Walmart employee, yeah sounds about right lmao," another added.

The Daily Dot reached out to Walmart via contact form and Guild.tv by TikTok comment and direct message.

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The post ‘This video gonna help someone win a case’: Walmart shopper can’t believe what he caught store using as makeshift shelf holder in chip section appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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