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Man Utd decide to sell 24yo star in January, Amorim has found his replacement - report


Manchester United manager Ruben Amorim has given the green light to offload winger Antony when the transfer window reopens in January, according to Daily Star.

Antony joined the Red Devils from Ajax for £82 million in the summer of 2022. He started off his career brilliantly with three goals from as many games, but has since failed to meet expectations.

The 24-year-old has managed just nine more goals from his next 84 appearances and he was out-of-favour under manager Erik ten Hag prior to his departure last month.

It is now reported that Amorim is prepared to part ways with Antony. The Portuguese tactician has his sights on reuniting with Sporting CP wonderkid Geovany Quenda next summer.

United are prepared to listen to offers for Antony in the winter transfer window. They are willing to sell him to the highest bidder or loan him out for the rest of the season.

United need to cut their losses on Antony

Antony has been hugely disappointing over the last two-and-a-half seasons. He was initially an undisputed starter for United, but has fallen down the pecking order.

Alejandro Garnacho and Marcus Rashford were largely preferred ahead of him in the wide attacking roles last term. Amad Diallo has now added more competition for places.

Amorim is expected to play with a 3-4-2-1 formation with an additional centre-back. He prefers to operate with wing-backs who can contribute defensively and offensively.

Antony’s playing time is unlikely to improve with his lack of form and confidence. In our view, the club should loan him out in January to another Premier League club to prove his worth.

A good temporary stint could help United secure a reasonable fee in the summer.

United are already planning an ambitious swoop for Quenda, who has a £84 million release clause in his contract. The club are aiming to make an initial offer of around £33m.

The 17-year-old was handed his debut by Amorim earlier this term. He has been brilliant from the right wing-back role. He could make the position his own if he were to join United.

The youngster has impressed with his pace, quick dribbling and goal contributions. He has also won regular duels and has been willing to track back to make recoveries too.

Amorim believes he can be a huge hit at United and the board seem prepared to bring the talented wonderkid to Old Trafford.

United can’t register Quenda in January due to Brexit rules on Under-18 foreign players.

Quenda will only turn 18 in April. The Red Devils are planning to sign him in an advanced deal to avoid competition next summer.

Stats from Transfermarkt.com

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